Someone New

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Buzz buzz. My phone buzzes in my sweatshirt pocket. It's a text from my mom letting me know that I have to walk home today.
"Ugh," I sigh, respond to her with an okay, and start to walk home.
The waves are crashing onto the sandy beach as I walk on the sidewalk 100 yards from the ocean. It has been a while since I have walked home from school. I always walk to school because walking by the beach in the morning is the best part of my day. I always stand and look at the beach for a while. I watch the waves crash against the sand and listen to them crash. I continue to walk home. I get further down the sidewalk by the beach and I see my neighborhood. I walk a little further and I finally see my house. I start jogging toward my house and I finally get to the door.
I open the door, and I immediately find myself overwhelmed with the smell of garlic bread and marinara sauce. I immediately go upstairs to drop my backpack off in my room, but my mom calls me to the kitchen before I can get to my room.
"Liam, can you come downstairs for a minute please?"
"Yeah mom, I'm on my way," I reply as I walk down the stairs and go into the kitchen.
"Son, Olivia, James, and Cassie are coming over as well as one of their friends' daughters. They didn't say much about their friend's daughter, so can you please watch what you say?"
"I will hold off on the sarcastic remarks for a night and not for any longer."
"Good, can you set the table?"
"Yeah," I say as I get seven plates out of the cupboard. I take them to the dining room and as I set the plates down on the table there is a knock at the door.
"I've got it, mom," I yell as I walk to the door to open it. Olivia greets me as I back away from the door so everyone can come in. When they all finally get into the house I look at the girl and something about her seems familiar. It is something about the way her gaze darts around the room and the odd violet color of her eyes. She stands in the doorway awkwardly as Cassie ushers her into the house.
"Hey Liam," Cassie says as she tries to make sure that the girl feels less awkward.
"This is Leigh by the way."
"Hi, I'm Liam."

"Hi, I'm Leigh," she says quietly as she follows Cassie and me to the dining room. Before I sit down at the table and wait for my mom to bring in the food, I go into the kitchen to grab forks and glasses so I can finish setting the table. I place the forks and glasses down on the table while my mom and Olivia bring the food into the dining room and set it on the table.
Leigh and Cassie sit on the other side of the table talking while I try to read Leigh. I try to see if her expressions give anything away but they don't. They are blank, other than a small smile occasionally when Cassie says something funny. I look at hers and all I see is something familiar, but I don't know why. Her eyes are a weird color, and she has black hair. Her necklace is the last thing that I notice, and I find it very familiar. It's an emerald charm on a gold necklace chain.
I recognize Leigh. Her voice has the same inflections as someone I know, but I can't put my finger on it. I keep listening to her voice as I continue to try to figure out who she is
I stop trying to recall where I know her from when I smell the savory smell of melted cheese mixed with tomato sauce, noodles, and hamburger that just arrived at the table. Lasagna is frequently enjoyed by my family.It's a dish that we will never get tired of even if we ate it every day. I glance over at Leigh who seems to be staring at the lasagna like it is her first meal like this in weeks. The silence from earlier continues until Cassie speaks up and says:
"Everyone, this is Leigh."
"Hello Leigh, I heard you are staying with Olivia and James for a while," I say as I get a slice of Lasagna.
" Yeah, my parents are out of town on a business trip so I am staying with Olivia, Cassie, and James for a while." 
"That's cool, what do your parents do?"
"They work for a marketing firm that advertises foreign businesses to the larger businesses here in America."
That's pretty cool, do you have any siblings?"
"Yeah, I had a brother."
"You had a brother? What happened?" I ask before I can think about what I am going to say. Leigh looks at me with a look of shock.
"I had a twin brother. He disappeared when we were little, and I never knew what happened to him."
"I'm sorry," I reply as I finally recognize who she is.
"It's okay," Leigh says as she takes a bite of her garlic bread.
"On another note," I say "who wants to watch a movie after dinner?"
"I'm in," Cassie replies.
"So am I," Leigh responds.
We quickly finish our dinners and we head upstairs to the game room.
"What do you want to watch," Cassie asks Leigh.
"I don't really care, just pick something." she responds.
"I will be right back," Cassie says as she walks out of the room;
"Hello Quinn."
"You recognized me."
"I did. Now I want to know why you are here."
"My parents are on a business trip so I am staying with Olivia and James for a while."
"Liar," I push.
"I'm not lying... I swear," she replies as she looks down at the carpeted floor.
"Why are you lying to me?" I ask, letting my voice get louder.
"I am not lying." She raises her voice as she says this.
"I am not a liar." She yells and runs downstairs. I hear the front door slam and I see her run down the street toward the park from the living room window.

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