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The hours passed and it was finally midnight. I hear three perfectly spaced knocks at my door and I go to my door and open it. Mateo is standing there with a duffel bag which is filled with what I guess to be weapons and clothing.
"Well, what are we waiting for?" He asks as I gather my things.
"Nothing, let's go," I say as I quietly shut my bedroom door. We silently walk down the hallway and we watch for signs of other people being awake. We make it to the kitchen and I look out the window into the garage. Wyatt is out there with his head buried in a tool box while the hood of his car is open. He seems distracted so we slip out the front door instead of the garage door as we intended.
We get to the barn, that is at least 100 yards away from the house, and we take a Razor from inside of it. Matteo drives the trails until we get out to the road that is about a quarter of a mile from the house. I have him turn right on to the main road and we are on our way to the lion's den. I have Matteo turn down freedom way and we see the compound in the distance.
"This is your last chance to turn around Matteo."
"I'm not going anywhere I intend to see this through."
"There are a few things that you should know before we get closer to the compound." I hesitate for a moment and I look towards the woods by the compound.
"Leigh what is it?"
"My uncle keeps a legion of soldiers scattered through these woods, and I was the one who trained them. The first thing that is going to happen when we pull into the view of these soldiers is we are going to have to fight for our lives. They seem to be there to keep the compound safe, but they are actually a test to see who has the strength to get into the compound. Once we are through these soldiers there is another set of soldiers that were personally trained by my uncle while I was there. I could beat all of them, but I am guessing that my uncle made some changes to security so I don't know how he has trained these soldiers."
"That sounds like so much fun." Matteo says sarcastically.
"Lets go," I say confidently to sound like I am prepared when in reality I am no where near prepared.
We drive for a while and we get to the edge of the woods. It starts off as a silent drive through the woods and before I know it the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I tap Matteo on the arm and he nods and grabs the knife that is underneath his seat. I pull the knife from the strap that is around my thigh and I wait for the soldiers to pour into the clearing.
The first sign of life is when we get half way down the trail. I hear a branch break and I tap Matteo again to let him know that there is someone tailing us on foot. He grips his knife tighter as he watches in front of him for something to happen.
The soldiers finally make their appearance and we leap into action. The first soldier approaches the front of the car and I throw one of the throwing knives that are under my seat at him. I take advantage of his weakness and I get out of the car. Matteo follows and we both guard the razor. A soldier jumps out at Matteo and he delivers a punch to the left side of the soldier's jaw. He follows that up with a kick to the soldier's kidney.
A soldier runs out of the woods at me and yells "You should have stayed with your momma Leigh because you aren't even close to ready for this kind of fight."
"Are you sure about that Bec," I say as I deliver a punch to her sternum.
"Do not call me Bec," she screams as she sends her foot into my right side.
"Just wait Bec my uncle is going to throw you out just like he threw out your precious Vivian."
"Do not say her name,"she screams as she delivers a successful punch to my jaw. My head recoils and I am barely able to block her attempt to kick me in the kidney. I grab her foot and push it up which causes her to lose her balance and fall. She gets up to her knees and I deliver a final blow to her head, knocking her out cold. I take a minute and catch my breath. I feel my body screaming at me but I fight it off and I push forward.
I spot Matteo out of the corner of my eye and he is struggling to fight off three people, so I run over there and help. I deliver a kick to the diaphragm to the third soldier and knock the wind out of him. Matteo delivers a blow to the second soldier's jaw that results in a crack. The final soldier gets taken out by blows from both of us. I punch him in his nose and Matteo lands a punch to his ribs.
"There were a lot more soldiers in these woods when I was training here than there are right now."
"Oh, really?" Matteo says as he catches his breath. "I haven't had that good of a fight in a while."
"I can tell," I announce as I open the door of the razor.
"Shut up Leigh."
"I don't think I will because it's fun to annoy you."
"It's all fun and games until I decide to shoot you in the leg."
"You would never," I reply as I place my hand over my chest so I look offended.
"I guess you will have to test that theory to find out."
"I just might test that out because I don't think you will." I get the same feeling that I did right before the soldiers showed up. I tap Matteo on the shoulder and he nods letting me know that he understands what is about to happen. I take the gun from beside my seat and I gesture to Matteo to do the same. I know that this battle will be to the death so we have to be prepared.
I slide the gun into the holster on my right thigh and I watch for the slightest bit of movement.
I finally see something out of the corner of my eye and my hand shoots down to my gun. I hold my hand up in a stopping motion to signal to Matteo that we need to stop and get out of the razor. He gives me a thumbs up and he puts the razor in park. We both get out of the razor and we prepare ourselves for what is next.
We wait and the soldiers finally make their appearance. The first soldier comes at Matteo and he sends his knife into the top of the soldier's knee immobilizing him. Matteo finishes off the fight by knocking the soldier unconscious.
Two soldiers come at me and I shoot one in the leg. I kick the other in the diaphragm as a knife sails by my head and embeds itself into Matteo's shoulder.
"Now which one of you threw that knife?" Matteo announces as he adjusts his movements to limit the use of his right arm.
I slam the head of the soldier that threw the knife at Matteo into the side of the Razor and she shrinks to the ground unconscious.
Two more soldiers run at Matteo and one of them rips the knife out of his shoulder. I sprint over there to help and I shoot one of them in the thigh. I punch the other soldier in the jaw and then kick her in the ribs. I send my foot into the side of her head and it knocks her out cold.
I feel a sharp pain tear through my left shoulder. Dammit, they took out my dominant arm. I shoot the soldier that shot me in the left shoulder being careful not to clip their heart. I kick them in the nose and knock them out.
Once I make sure that there are no more soldiers I walk over to Matteo and put pressure on his shoulder.
"That was a cheap shot," he says while he moves, so I can see the knife wound.
"I'm not going to lie to you it looks like shit, but with proper medical supplies we can make it a really cool scar."
"Are you always like this?"
"Absolutely," I laugh as I help him over to the passenger side of the Razor. He looks at my shoulder and he stops.
"Did you get shot?"
"Yes, but I'm fine."
"No you aren't, you are losing a decent amount of blood."
"Huh, I hadn't noticed that I guess it's worse than it feels. That won't change my response though because I am fine. Once we get into the compound we can get patched up and we can do what we need to do."
My body starts to feel warm and I remember that the idiot that I am carrying can heal us both.
"Why didn't you just heal yourself in the beginning?"
"I was waiting for you to remember that I have healing magic, and I was waiting to see what you would do."
"You are a terrible human being. I felt sorry for you for once and you just ruined it." I say as I punch him in his injured shoulder.
"Ow that hurt so bad," he says sarcastically as I start the Razor. I drive the Razor down that path and we get closer and closer to the lion's den.

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