First Impressions

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After a tear filled ride we finally arrive at home. Everyone is waiting at the entrance to get us inside. They all glance over to the passenger side door and Aldric steps out of the car. Everyone moves closer to the car once as Aldric moves to shut the door. Matteo draws his dagger and glares at him, but Wyatt makes him lower his dagger when we start to walk to the entrance of the house. Once we enter the house, we follow Matteo and Wyatt to the living room, so we can explain everything.
"I am going to start from last night. I went down to the training room so I could get some training in and I was messing around with throwing knives. I went down to get the knives I had thrown and I felt a needle go into the side of my neck. As you have probably already gathered I was injected with a sedative. Once the sedative wore off I woke up in a room with the knife I had in my hand before I passed out laying six feet in front of me. Instead of grabbing the knife because I knew there were snipers above it I slid further back out of the sniper's point of view. After I did that my uncle walked in and we talked for a little bit and he sent a woman in to untie me. Once I was untied the lady made me go with two soldiers that roughly dragged me to an extravagant bedroom. Before the soldiers even grabbed me I stepped on the knife knowing that I have a knife sized indent in the bottom of my shoe that is magnetized, so I can hide a knife in plain sight. Once I got to the room I checked to see if the windows and doors were locked and they were. I cut the cables to all of the security cameras with my knife and I grabbed the bobby pins in my hair and picked the lock on the door. I ran down the hallway and into Aldric who is a good friend of mine from when I was with my uncle. We escaped together and now we are both here fighting for the resistance. We are finally fighting against the person who kept us apart because he was threatened by us. He knew if he kept us together he would be dead." We all sit in silence as everyone tries to understand how I was taken from the most secure house that you have ever seen.
"Hey, I'm Aldric, and I have worked under her uncle since I was little. The reason I worked for him was because I am a fifth generation assassin and my parents were threatened by him. I have killed many people that deserved to live and I live with that everyday..."
"You aren't the only one," Hanna interrupts.
"I'm not?"
"No you aren't, everyone in this room has killed someone that didn't deserve to die. We get paid to kill and we have to accept that to build our reputation in this world. We have worked for plenty of people inside and outside of the country that you wouldn't even know they existed. We are all here to try and fix our messes and to try and make what we did right. we all know we can't fix the fact we killed people, we can only fix what we do afterwards."
"You're right," He sighs.
A/N: Sorry about the short chapter, they will be longer in the future!

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