The New Deal

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I hear the sound of a bullet going into the chamber of a gun and I freeze. It's behind me, but I don't exactly know where.
My first instinct is to slowly pull out the gun on my hip, but before I have the chance I hear a voice. This voice says a phrase I am very familiar with;
"Don't reach for your weapon?"
"Why would I do that? I mean it's not like you have a gun to my back or anything." I respond bitterly.
"Turn around" The girl orders.
"Why would I do that?"
"You are going to turn around or I will put a bullet in each limb starting with your right arm."
"I don't think you are going to do that."
"It's either very brave or very stupid of you to not listen to the person with a gun."
"What you don't realize is that I don't fear death, I welcome it. As for you, I know you won't shoot me because shooting me would mean you lose a powerful pawn in your game, and I don't think you want that, so put down your gun. You of all people should know never to walk up to me with a gun." I retort as she stays silent for a few moments.
"You are right, shooting you would make me lose a powerful pawn in my game, and it would take away the opportunity that you present to me."
"What's the deal," I asked as I began to search for any hint of what she wanted from me.
"I want you to work alongside me to defeat our common enemy. I want to defeat people like Cadmus. I want to defeat those who want to prevent our rise to power."
"What do you want me to do if I agree?"
"I would want you to be the face of our organization and maybe do some of the behind-the-scenes work because I know for a fact that you know how to do that. So what do you say?"
"I think you are very persuasive Hanna, but I have a few conditions," I say as I turn around to look at her.
"How do you know who I am, Leigh?"
"Hanna, I would recognize your voice anywhere. I mean I would know the voice of the girl who could never admit defeat."
"I let you beat me," she replies while she holsters her gun and walks over to me.
"You keep telling yourself that," I reply when she stops walking toward me.
"My conditions are that if we are working in a team it is a team filled with people that I know won't make me look like a fool, I get the kill shot, and you will never tell me what I can and can't do on the job."
"Deal," she announces and we shake hands. My thoughts ignite with hope as the handshake ends. This deal is a deal that will take down the man that made my life hell and I am all in.
I made sure that my brother never fells into the trap that I fell into nine years ago and now it's my time to continue to make sure that he is safe from our psychopathic uncle.
In this trap that I fell in I keep falling and falling not knowing when I am going to finally hit the bottom. I don't know when I am going to reroute my path. Will it be too late, too early, or will by some miracle be the perfect time?
I hope that one day I will be brave enough to write my own story. This story would contain a loving family without worrying if there is someone waiting around every corner waiting to kill me. What I have become because of my uncle terrifies me, it shakes me at my very core. It makes me wonder what life would be like if I hadn't given in to the ways of my uncle's world.
It makes me wonder what it would be like to be normal. People say normal is boring, but I would love to be like everyone else, even if it was just for a day. All of my life I have been a killer, a pawn, or a danger to society, and I am tired of being the weird or crazy girl that is always by herself. I want to be someone that is appreciated for who I am instead of being not appreciated at all. "Leigh, I will warn you, for this plan to work, we have to attend a public high school."

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