The Whole Story

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Authors note: Sorry for posting so far after the last chapter I got caught up in school.

After lunch our classes went quickly and now I am on my way back to the house.  I'm one step closer to finally being able to tell Liam everything,and I'm terrified. I'm terrified to hear what he is going to say when he finally knows everything. I know that I'm not innocent in this situation, but I am now in the center of a circle of liars and power hungry killers because of my uncle. He put me in the position that I am in now. He was the one who threatened my brother's life, he is our common enemy and if my brother hates me for protecting him then so be it.
I pull into the long driveway and Liam is following close behind me. I sit in the car and prepare myself for the conversation ahead of me. He gets out of his car as I take another deep breath. I open my car door and hesitantly get out of the car. I walk over to him and hug him.I squeeze him tightly, so he can't move away. He looks uncomfortable at first, but once he knows I am not going to let go of him he settles into my embrace.
"I don't want to let go."
"I know you don't, Leigh, but you owe me some sort of explanation."
"I know. Let's go to my room so we can talk without curious ears." I say as I stare in Hanna's direction.
"Good idea."
I lead him into the house and we go up the stairs to my room. As we walk up the stairs he stares at me like he is trying to figure me out. I open the door to my room and I usher him to my bay window. We both sit down and face each other. I fill my lungs with as much air as possible and I start talking.
"Liam I don't know how to begin this conversation, and I hope that you don't think of me any differently afterwards. When we were younger our parents put us up for adoption because the situation they were in wasn't safe for us. Our uncle decided then that he would try and adopt us so he could use us against our parents. You had been adopted by then, and I was adopted by our uncle. He was brutal to me. He taught me hand to hand combat at the age of seven and he taught me the art of war by the age of eight. He trained me to be a killer. I went on many missions for our uncle and all but one mission outside of training ended up successful. That was my most recent mission at James and Olivia's house. I wasn't there to stay with them while my parents were away. Liam... I was there to kill them." His eyes grow wide and he scoots away from me slightly as I finish my sentence. I stare at the floor feeling ashamed of what I had just said, but I take another deep breath and continue where I left off.
"I saw them watching a movie and spending quality time with Cassie and I thought maybe that could be me one day. That I could have a family that loves me as much as Olivia, James, and Cassie love each other. I walked into the living room of their house and I couldn't gain the courage to even draw my gun. After that I realized who they were, I thought  that they might be my ticket home and back to you." I pause and let Liam take in what he is being told before I start talking again.
"Our uncle made me a deal when I was younger. That was the reason I did all of the horrible things I did. He told me that if I did everything that you would be unharmed and safe. If I didn't he had told me that you would be tortured slowly until you were almost dead. The thought that you were alive kept me going and kept me doing what I was doing. When I went on many of my missions afterwards I would always stop by and watch you for a while."
"That's why you stood by the edge of the fence at night," his face lights up in recognition as he says this.
"Yeah, I left every time I thought that you had seen me, so I didn't have to endure the emotions that were going through my mind almost everyday."
"I'm sorry."
"It's not your fault. The other reason we couldn't stay together was because we had and still have giant targets on our backs. You won't believe this, but we have magic. You also won't believe that our mother is the ruler of the magic realm. Our parents gave us up because of that reason. Since we are very powerful magjicks we are in danger. I have the power to erase minds, I have telekinesis, and I can manipulate lightning. You on the other hand don't remember having powers because when we were younger I blocked your memory."
"Why did you do that?"
"I didn't want you to remember me in case something happened to me. I wanted you to be able to deny everything about me, so you were safe. I needed to make sure that you were safe, and it doesn't matter how I did it I just wanted you to be safe. I wanted you to be able to deny that you knew me if either of us were taken." I pause. "Liam, I need you to promise me this...I need you to promise that if I ever get taken you won't try and find me."
"I can't do that."
"Please," I pleaded.
"I can't Leigh, I can't."
"You have to."
"No, I don't, and I won't."
"Ugh, you're stubborn," I groan.
"Liam, if you search for me you will be putting yourself in danger."
"I didn't think it was going to be safe to rescue you from an evil mastermind."
"You don't know how to handle that kind of danger Liam."
"But I have magic."
"That you don't know how to use."
"I did at one point before you robbed me of my ability to remember my life before the foster home."
"I was trying to keep you safe," I yell as I stand up.
"I can handle myself."
"Not if you were dead."
"I wouldn't have to worry about it then."
"Liam, please listen to me."
"Fine," he agrees angrily.
"I will make you a deal."
"What is this deal exactly?"
"I will give you your memories back and I will teach you how to defend yourself, but you have to promise that you won't go after me alone."
"Deal. I promise I won't go after you alone."
"Good now I'm going to give you your memories back. You should probably sit down before I do this."
"Getting your memory back isn't exactly a pleasant experience."
"I will be fine. It can't be that bad anyway."
"Have you ever had your memory given back to you Liam?"
"No, I haven't, but I will be fine."
"Okay, but don't whine when you fall over and hurt yourself."
"I won't hurt myself."
"Don't argue with me Liam, I might be an hour younger than you, but I am wiser than you are."
"Are you sure about that little sis?"
"Yes I am, and we are the same age" I announce.
"You know, Liam, now that I think about it you will be fine standing up."
"See you finally realize that I'm wiser."
"Yes, I do think you are wiser so just stand there and wait while I give you back your memories." I reply while I withhold my laughter.
I begin to pull his memories from the back of my mind where I have stored them for ten years. His memories fly through my mind as they find their way back to their original owner. When they finally leave my head I feel a sense of relief. I have gotten rid of a burden that has been there for years. When the memories start to go back he doesn't faint. He stands there and takes it all in. I look over at him and he looks pale.
"Hey sis, I think I should have listened to you."
"Yes you should have, Liam, yes you should have."
He falls and lands on the floor, and I walk to my door to yell for help so he won't be on the floor when he wakes.
"Guys I need some help," I yell down the hallway.
They all began sprinting down the hallway towards my room to see what was wrong.
"Leigh what happened?" They all yell as they get to my door.
"Liam fainted, and I can't pick him up to get him to the guest room by myself."
"We thought you were in danger," Matteo tells while he catches his breath.
"Well I'm not, so can you guys help me get him off the floor?"
"Yeah, sorry."
We grab his legs and shoulders, and we carry him to the guest bedroom. We lift him up onto the bed and I go into the bathroom and fill up a cup of water to sit on his bedside table, but instead of having him drink it when he wakes up I have a different idea. I walk to the edge of the bed where Liam's head is and I pour the full glass of water onto him.
He jolts up into a sitting position and looks at me with an angered expression. His gaze goes from me to everyone else, and then it drifts back to me. We all feel a rumble. It's like the whole building is shaking.
"Liam, stop!"
"What am I doing, Leigh?"
"You are using your gifts and you need to stop before the building comes crumbling down around us."
"How do I do that?" he shouted.
"Liam, I need you to breathe. You're going to focus on stopping the rumbling. That is the only way you are ever going to be able to stop events like this until I can train you."
"Okay." He takes a few deep breaths and focuses on stopping the rumbling.
"Leigh, what was that?" Matteo asks as he stares at Liam and I. 
"Matteo, I need you and the others to go sit down at the dining room table and wait for me and Liam to come downstairs to get you."
I start to make sure that Liam is alright because what I did to him is something that some people never recover from. This is dangerous but he needs to know where he came from. He needs to know that his parents had to give us up if we were going to live. I want him to know all of these things because if he was left in the dark how would he believe me when I say to him that I am his sister. I feel arms wrap me into a tight hug.
"Leigh I know how dangerous it is for me to know everything but it is worth it if I get to remember who I was."
"Liam, I think we need to tell them about us."
"I agree."

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