The Box~Thomas

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A/N: I haven't updated in forever and for that I ask you to forgive me. School started and I'm having trouble balancing school, sports, and my social life. Thank you so much for being this patient, I really appreciate it, and just know that I'm trying. THANK YOU!! (this is gonna be slightly short)

I woke up in a cold sweat, shivering. I was laying down in the middle of a metal, mesh-like box. The box was pitch black and ascending at dangerous speeds. There were lights installed into the walls outside the box, illuminating the dark space for a split second before disappearing into the distance again. It gave off a flickering effect which hurt my eyes, but I forced them to stay open in an effort to take in everything that was in the box.

There were wooden crates of various sizes in stacks against the walls, and there was a cage with a cloth over it. Next to me lay a boy with brown sweat-soaked hair sticking to his forehead, panting heavily. He still seemed to be unconscious, so I decided to lift the cloth covering the cage. There was an animal inside it, but I couldn't quite make out what it was till it started squealing and thrashing around- a pig.

The noise woke the boy, who rose in a start, gasping for air. I fell backward against the cage in surprise, causing the pig to squeal louder. The boy looked over at the commotion, before holding a hand out to help me away from the cage. I took his hand and moved to the other side of the box, leaning against the cold metal. He sat next to me and the pig quieted down, blaring silence interrupted only by the squeaking and rattling of the cage.

"I would tell you my name, but I'm not quite sure what it is."

When the boy said that, I realized my memory was absent as well. When I tried to remember, images floated in and out of my head, with blurred faces and quickly disappearing scenes. Whenever I tried to grasp a hold of something it just dissipated faster, until eventually I was left with the barren, empty landscape that was my mind.

"I'm not quite sure either."

We fell into silence again. I was hoping this joyride would end soon -note the sarcasm- because I was starting to get slightly sick. The boy rested head against the ice cold wall, staring at the perforated ceiling. I pulled my knees to my chest and rested my head on them, closing my eyes and thinking about everything that had happened in such a short amount of time.

I'd woken up to a moving, rattling cage alongside a random boy. My memory was messed up- I could remember things about the real world, different events, but not the people. I remember being in a crowded stadium with a deafening crowd, cheering for a group of 8 boys on stage. Their faces were almost blurred, which was crazy as I was in the first row. I was screaming my heart out, along with someone who seemed close to me- she was clutching my hand and jumping up and down with me, but her face was blurred as well.

I remember a really sunny day, but it was a very unnatural heat. Me and what looked to be the girl from the concert were racing down some stairs into an underground tunnel system with rails- a subway. The train was long gone, and hundreds of other people were swarming the tracks.

I tried holding on to these few vague memories, but they slowly drained from my mind, and I couldn't remember what I was thinking about a few moments ago. I felt sick, and lifted my head, looking around again.

I stood and felt along the walls, hoping to find something I hadn't found before. After I made around all four walls, I flopped down next to the boy again.

"Nothing?" He asked. I shook my head in response, sighing. I was already so done with this, although it felt like it had hardly begun.

A/N: Thank you so much for being patient with me, I really appreciate it. Another thank you to FandomGeek, they're definitely helping out a lot. I'm still taking requests/ideas. Thank you!

~Ava <3

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