Escaping the maze~ Newt

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Hope you enjoy it and, I'm not sure if you knew but all my one-shots are for Y/N. Also, I changed how you figure out the maze a bit so it wouldn't be as long as with how Thomas figured it out. Hope it's ok.

I opened my eyes and looked around, observing my new surroundings. I was in a metal cage. The cage I found myself in was going up, fast. I panicked slightly crawling into the corner of the box. The clanging stayed for what felt likes even though it was probably only 30 minutes. When it stopped so did the box. The lid opened to reveal loads of boys staring down at me. Boys. Why aren't there any girls. Suddenly, a tall blond haired guy jumped down to me. He was kind of cute I thought. "Y/n you shouldn't be thinking that" Scolded myself. Wait- Y/n - that felt familiar. Then it hit me, it was my name.


I had gotten used to life in the Glade by now. The boy who had helped me out of the box and given me the tour was Newt and we had become really good friends. I was also friends with Thomas and Chuck who had happily invited me to be friends with them. Minho had been found out to be my big brother when the creators sent a note up with the next batch of supplies. This surprised many people because even though we were quite similar our personalities were very different. For example, Minho was sassy and quite rude at times but I was more of a kind and quiet person. We were both, however, very good and running so this helped my argument when I became a runner.

I was about to set off into the maze for my usual run. Today, I was running section 7. After about 2 hours I took a break leaning against the wall when I heard a noise. Being the curious person I am I decided to take a look finishing off a bit more water before jogging round the corner of the maze. I found what looked like a dead griever trapped between the walls of the maze. It had obviously been trapped as the walls changed last night. As I looked around a bit more I found a metal tube attached I pulled it out and inspected it a bit more. It had the number 7 written in digital letters on the side. Is this because I'm in section 7? I thought it must be something like that but I knew it was definitely important so I decided to bring it back to the Glade so Minho and Alby could have a better look at it.


We had escaped the maze. Turns out the disk was the key to everything. Sure, we would all be emotionally scarred by that experience but we had made it out and that was what mattered. Everyone had just piled into the aircraft that some people had provided. You had escaped WICKED. You could still hardly believe it. Curled up in a corner silently crying because of Chuck you looked out of the window. Chuck had been one of your best friends in the Maze. He had been shot by Gally. Newt crawled over to you and put his arms around you.

"It's all-right love" He gently kissed your forehead before you curled up against his chest. He buried his face into the crook of your neck.

" I love you Newt" you whispered so that only he could hear. You surprised yourself when you said this but realised that it was true. " I love you too Y/n" He replied running his finger through your hair. At that moment you knew you would never get over Chuck's death, or anyone's to be honest, but you also knew that Newt could be your shoulder to cry on. You needed each other.

Hope it was ok and sorry if you didn't like it. I couldn't think of how to fit in the telekinesis so I left it out sorry! Feel free to make another request!


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