Worst day

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"Shit, I'm gonna be late again" I panicked when I saw what time it was.

"Honey, hurry up breakfast is ready. You will be late for school" my mom yelled from downstairs.

"I'm coming jeez"
I ran downstairs  as fast as I could almost falling over.

"I won't be eating today. I'm gonna be late to the bus" I said and ran trough the doors.

*in bus*

"Good morning Jenna, why are you out of breath?" The bus driver asked me.

"It's not your business" I said while looking for an empty seat.

"Hey, Jenna!" Emily  yelled happily

"Come sit with me"

"Heyy!" I said to Emily.

"You know what?"


"I got together with that popular guy, please don't tell anyone"

"Wait are you talking about James?" I asked shocked.

"Yesss! He is so hot"
I looked her dead in the eyes.

"Sweetie. You know he is a player right?" I was very disappointed.

"He changed. I promise"
She started smiling really hard

"Well I will believe you this time but I promise if he does something to you he is dead"

I put on my headphones and listened to some music.

*20 minutes later*

"We are almost here!" Our bus driver yelled

"Okay jeez you don't have to yell" I told him while putting my headphones back in to my bag.

Emily looked at me weirdly and said

"Why the fuck  are you so mean to everyone"

"Because I want to"
I took my stuff and got off the bus. Emily looked really pissed off. She got off the bus and punched me right in my face.

"What the fuck Emily?" I asked her almost yelling.
I wanted to hit her so fucking badly but I couldn't because she is my best friend, so I just looked at her and walked away.

*in school*
I walk in to the school and everyone starts looking at me and talking about something to each other. I was really confused so I walked to Jenifer.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"You don't know? Eh you will find out soon then" Jenifer said and walked away.

"What the fuck is happening" I yelled as loud as I could.
Everyone stared at me like I did something wrong or killed somebody.

I went to the bathroom  and found James making out with another girl.

"James! Wtf" I screamed while throwing my fist in to his stupid face, I beat him up and smashed his head to the wall.

That girl that was with him ran out of the bathroom with fear in her face and I knew that I'm fucked.

"Miss Jenna come to my office immediately" Principal said over the speaker and she sounded mad.

*In principle's office*

"Hello, did I do something wrong?" I asked

"Yes. You are expelled from this school"

"Wait what?! But why?"

"Because you are dangerous, it's not safe for others"

"This is bullshit!" I yelled and walked out of the office slamming the door.
While I was walking out of the school everyone was looking at me happily.

"The fuck are you looking at" I said and hugged my best friend for the last time, but instead of hugging me she threw her fist right in to my arm and said.

"You are not my fucking friend. I fucking hate you"

"Your boyfriend was literally cheating on you but whatever" I told her and left home, Emily looked really sad but of course I didn't care.


Word count: 584

Take a guess and comment what will happen in next chapter✩

I would really appreciate if you supported me and voted on my story And as you know this is my first book ever so don't hate and if you have any tips just feel free to comment them I would really really appreciate that

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