They are all gone..

3 0 0

I grabbed my knife. Opened my room doors but there was a cop standing, he was turned away so I grabbed him and cut his neck open

"I'm sorry..I had to"

I stabbed everyone on my way, I was looking for Ezra but I couldn't find her anywhere. Then out of nowhere I heard someone talking

"Why did you do it..what's wrong with you?"

"I'm sorry. I had to"

I went to her, hugged her and stabbed her in the back.

I need to get rid of everyone, I just have to.

I went to balcony where Ezra was standing with her boyfriend and pushed them both off of it. There was blood everywhere. Hopefully no one saw that.

Now all I need is to find is Millie...

I texted her to come by the pool.

When she came I took her head and put it in the water so I could drawn her. It took 15 minutes.

What came over me? Am I really a monster?

I looked behind me and saw one student..

"Don't tell anyone"

Well he didn't listen and ran to the cops and told what he saw

"Charles was not a was Jenna all this time"

I had nowhere to go. I guess that's the end of the story, I'm a monster, I killed innocent people.

Jenna cut her neck open and till the cops managed to get to her she was already dead.

Words: 244

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