Bitch named Charles

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I wake up and suddenly I hear hear strange noises I tried to ignore them but it didn't seem to work, I couldn't fall back asleep, so I turned the light on and saw Charles fucking a random girl. I looked what time it was and it was 2AM like what the fuck why isn't he asleep?

"What the fuck Charles? It's literally 2AM go somewhere else jeez" I got under my blanket and went to sleep.

"Yeah no we are staying here so deal with it" he turned on some music and continued fucking her.

I couldn't fall asleep so I got out of bed and started yelling at them because they were annoying as hell. They of course ignored me but it didn't stopped me from trying to get rid of that girl. I turned off the music and punched that girl.

"Get the fuck out of here bitch" I said while pushing her out of our room and went back to bed.

"Hey what the fuck Jenna!"

" do you know my name?" I asked him with a shocked face

"A bird told me" Charles said with a big smile on his face and turned around.

I was disgusted of this boy but I don't have time for this stuff. We both went to sleep well at least I did, Charles was laying on his bed and talking about some stupid things with himself and that was very annoying. He is the worst roommate alive, I can't with him. He is mean, rude and literally doesn't care about anyone but himself and random girls that he doesn't even know.

*in the morning*
I feel something breathing in to my year and touching me. Then a quiet and soft voice said

"Good morning Jenna"

"Huh? Who are you" I asked and turned around. It was Sadie I was actually very glad that this wasn't Charles, I never want to see him again in my life.

"Wake up Jenna, you are gonna be late to class" she said and pulled me out of my bed.

I actually really liked this girl and she was definitely a better friend than that Bitch Emily. She left me only because I tried to protect you from her cheating boyfriend. Like who the fuck does that? Literally no one.

Word count: 377

Some questions for my lovely people as always

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