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Mikoto Misaka —>

A Certain Scientific Railgun op 1 —>

Academy City, Japan

It was far after curfew. She was supposed to be in her dorm.

Mikoto Misaka knew that.

However, she had just found out something horrible.

It started out as just a rumor, mind you. But rumors, they sometime turn out to be true.

She had learned that the hard way.

Academy City had a horrible dark side.

Academy City was a developed city with technology that was said to be 20 or 30 years advanced than the rest of the world. It was also the only place where you could study espers. Espers were people with unique physic abilities, like teleportation or vector control. Mikoto was an esper herself, the third most powerful one in all of Academy City, which was the size of Tokyo. She was a Level 5, the highest esper level ever reached. On record, that is.

And she was sick of it.

She was running for the airport. She skidded to a stop, cursing as she realized she didn't have a passport. Biting her lip, she dashed to the nearest computer store, using her ability to break the security systems.

Mikoto was an electromaster, capable of generating over a billion volts.

Mikoto narrowed her eyes as her fingers flew over the keyboard, electricity sparking from her fingers as she bypassed all of the firewalls, creating a fake passport and plane ticket.

"Come on, come on, come on..." she grumbled.

She grabbed the passport as it printed out, and continued to the airport.

She dashed up the steps, almost tripping but managing to stay upright.

"Mikoto Misaka." she gasped. "Flight to Washington D.C. in America!"

The worker blinked at her frantic gesture, but recognized Mikoto's Tokiwadai uniform. (Tokiwadai was the prestigious middle school for high level espers that Mikoto attended) Knowing she shouldn't mess with her, she silently directed Mikoto to the plane.

Mikoto stopped as she sat down on her seat, breathing hard. She was aware of the strange looks she was receiving, but she ignored them. She was too horrified.

What had she seen in that lab?

The murder of the fifth Level 5, Misaki Shokuhou.

They had completely decapitated her.

After the gruesome scene, Aliester Crowley, the 'mayor', you could say, of Academy City's voice had come through the speakers. He had said that all the Level 5's were to be brought to that lab. After they were caught, everyone they cared about was to be killed.

That was why Mikoto ran away. If they didn't catch her, they wouldn't kill her friends.

Mikoto had decided to go to the Justice League, to see if she could join them.

She leaned her head against the window, staring at the city she was raised in as the plane rose. She let her eyelids droop, exhausted. It was three in the morning, three hours until she was supposed to get up. With a yawn, Mikoto fell asleep.

"Micky... Micky..."

Mikoto opened her eyes. She saw her father's face, and an unfamiliar man with black hair. Her father smiled.

"This is your uncle! Say hi, Micky!"

Mikoto jerked awake from the short dream. There had been a gunshot.

People were screaming, ducking under their chairs. Two men burst inside the cabin, grinning wickedly. They were both holding guns, their eyes unfocused. They were on drugs.

"Everybody... on the ground!" the tallest said gleefully, shooting one of the empty chairs. There were more screams as the people who had remained upright did as instructed.

Aside Mikoto, who stood up, glaring at the men.

The tall one grinned. "Well, Cody, looks like we gots a rebel!"

"Yay!" Cody, the short one, smiled. "Rebel, like Katniss Everpeeta!"

Mikoto smirked. "You really wanna go?" A spark jumped from her bangs.

"She's got a brain tazor..." Cody whispered. "Shes... like... that Ben 10 alien! Bobert, we gotta-"

Bobert smacked him over the head. "Shut it! I'll just blow up the wing." he clicked a button on a remote., and the plan dipped to one side as there was an explosion.

"NO!!" Mikoto yelled, lightning flashing from her bangs and hitting Bobert. No longer was she nervous to use electricity, the plane was about to crash.

Suddenly, the plane righted itself. Mikoto and Cody both looked out the window to see a man with black hair in a blue spandex suit with a red cape.

Superman was carefully leading the plane to safety.

Mikoto punched Cody in the face, shocking him as she did so, right as the door swung open.

A red robot looked at Cody. Red Tornado met Mikoto's gaze.

"I think you should come with us."

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now