Mental Out 2.0

260 9 3

January 13, 2011

Okay, Railgun, are we getting close? Superboy thought.

Almost there. Mikoto responded as she continued to sprint. I can see it.

The heroes were on their way to find the warehouse Mikoto had seen Mental Out's murder... although, that was probably obvious.

Mikoto skidded to a stop as she reached the warehouse, and almost fell over as Robin body slammed into her.

Sorry. He apologized. Is this it?

Uh huh. Mikoto replied. This is the building... it happened on the bottom floor.

So let's go! Kid Flash grinned, about to kick in the door, before Artemis grabbed his leg, pulling him back.

Use your brain, Baywatch! She snapped. What if they're still in there!?

I hate it when you use logic... Kid Flash grumbled.

Well, you don't have any, so I have to keep the balance.

Anyway... Miss Martian thought awkwardly. Let's just get in.

I agree with that notion. Elena piped up.

Robin picked the lock, before gesturing the others to follow him. He let Mikoto step in front of him.

Ladies that know where we're going first! He thought cheerfully.

Don't talk to my Sissy like that!! Kuroko drop kicked Robin, sending him to the ground with a loud echoing sound.

"Kuorko..." Mikoto muttered, shaking in fury as she heard footsteps climb the stairs. "You..."

"Hehehe... whoops..." Kurpko awkwardly rubbed the back of her neck.

"YOU IDIOT!!" A lightning bolt shot out of Mikoto's forehead, hitting Kuroko in the chest.

"Yes!! The love of my Sissy burns brighter than the-"


You two need to be quiet. Aqualad though sternly. If they know that we are here...

CADMUS all over again. Robin finished. And this time, we don't have a Superboy to save us.

What? Kuroko frowned. Yes we do.. he's right there. She gestured to the half Kryptonian. 

Yeah, but when Robin, Aqualad, and myself got captured, Superboy knew his way around 'cause he... lived, for lack of better word, there. Kid Flash explained. And as far as I can tell, we don't have anybody like that here.  

Back to the mission, thought Artemis, Railgun, you see anything worth telling?

Mikoto looked through the window, narrowing her eyes. Hmmm.... she mentally muttered. No... I think we'll have to go in. 

The heroes- and Kuroko - climbed up to the top of the building... well, Superboy jumped, Robin and Artemis grappled, Kuroko teleported with Mikoto, and Miss Martian levitated Elena and Aqualad.

They landed silently, and Robin walked to one of the windows. KF, Supes, He thought. Use infra to see if anybody's down there. 

Kid Flash put his goggles over his eyes as Superboy blinked. 

I don't see anyone. Thought Kid Flash, and Superboy nodded in agreement.

Then let's go! Elena jumped through the glass, rolling as she landed to break her fall. Robin grappled to the ground next to her, his jaw dropped.

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now