My Name Is Steve! No, Bob! No, Tortilla!!

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"Okay." Miss Martian whispered. "We are currently over District 10."

The chosen four were currently in the bio ship, in camouflage mode: Robin's suit was black and red, Miss Martian's cloak was black, Elena had a black leather jacket and jeans, (however she refused to take off her scarf), and Mikoto had a black jacket, skirt, and gray tank top. The actual ship appeared to be a transparent blur.

"Miss M, set up the link." Robin said, and Miss Martian nodded.

Link established. she thought as she touched her temple.

Any idea where the Level 5's could be? Robin asked.

Mikoto frowned. It would have to be somewhere out of the way of the gangs...

Maybe somewhere west. she thought.

Why do you say that? Miss Martian asked.

I don't know... A look of confusion entered Mikoto's eyes. I just feel it.

Landing now. Miss Martian thought as she steered the ship towards the ground behind an abandoned, graffiti-splattered building.

The side of the ship materialized into a door, and the young heroes walked out of it.

Heh. Mikoto thought, looking at a wall that had a crudely drawn picture of Shizuri Mugino- Meltdowner -with the word 'die' scribbled across her face. Look at that.

Okay, Miss Martian said mentally. West is...this way! she turned, pulled her hood over her face, and floated in said direction.

There was another spray-painted picture of Accelerator with a large red X through it. Mikoto frowned

All the graffiti is of the Level 5's.... she thought.

Probably because of all the damage their clones have been making. Robin guessed. You know, considering the theory.

Okay... Miss Martian broke in, coming to a halt.That ware house is on fire.

Sure enough, a rusty old warehouse's window was engulfed in flames.

"I might be able to use the... new device... Batman gave me." Robin muttered, taking a green vile out of his utility belt. "We haven't named it yet."

"Right." Mikoto whispered. "Now how-Robin?" she looked around The Boy Wonder was no where to be seen.

"Aw, I hate it when he does that." Elena grumbled. "I mean, I could have just absorbed the fire... but no, of course not."

Robin's device must have done something, because the fire dissapated, steam rising into the air.

Let's move. Miss Martian commanded.

Elena ran towards the building, igniting the bottom of her feet with fire to shoot up to the window sill.

Miss Martian simply floated into the top story, and levitated Mikoto as well.

I could of used my electricity to stick to the wall and walk up it. The Railgun pointed out.

Miss Martian shrugged.

"What took you guys so long?" a voice said from directly behind Mikoto, and she jumped, turning to face Robin.

"Where have you been?" she hissed.

"You were supposed to follow me." Robin said simply. "Anyway, let's investigate."

Mikoto rolled her eyes, but walked in the direction of the old elevator anyway. "Okay...." she muttered. "Nothing here..." As she turned around to walk back to the team, her elbow hit the 'down' button on the elevator, and lit up.

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now