He Isn't Good in a Crisis

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I have, indeed, been gone four years. Big ol oof. But due to unforeseen VERY traumatic events, I watched yj and raildex again and I'm back baby


"I'm just saying that there is a rebellion going on! Full-blown Hunger Games crap, and where are we going? The circus."

Mikoto looked at Wally with a bewildered expression. "Dude, that's Robin's home, remember? Where his parents died?" Wally winced.

"Crap. I'm sorry, Rob," he apologized.

Robin was piloting the bio-ship, his face expressionless. He must have been worried beyond belief, but if he was, he didn't show it. Clearly, Mikoto realized, Batman had taught him to compartmentalize. He shrugged at his friend's apology. "It's cool."

Mikoto took a deep breath. He was going through so much, but he deserved to know. "Robin, Haly told me something."


Mikoto bit the inside of her cheek. "I found a journal the night before the performance. It was under the floorboards. It had your name in it. Haly must have seen me because he called me into that office. He told me that... you were supposed to be a Talon, along with me."

Robin froze. "Wait.. what? A talon? And... why you?"

"Apparently my mom used to be in the circus," Mikoto explained, "and was best friends with your mom. I guess you and I were supposed to be twin talons. He said that they decided not to take me, ultimately, because of my genetics, whatever he meant by that," she gulped, "He didn't explain why they didn't take you, though."

Robin was silent for a solid five minutes, before he finally spoke again. His voice was strangely calm. "They probably ended up not taking me because Bruce got me first." He laughed bitterly. "What do you know? My parents dying saved me."

"Er- sorry," Wally broke in nervously, "But what's a talon?"

"It's a member of the Court of Owls," Robin explained, "I don't know a lot about them, but I know they're bad guys. Assassins, I think."

"Not good."

A spark flew out of Mikoto's forehead in annoyance "Wally, you are so insensitive!"

"He's fine," Robin said before she could zap him, "I'm used to it. He's not good in a crisis, you shoulda seen him when we thought Artemis died!" he had a smile on his face. It was clearly fake.

"You know," Mikoto's eyes softened, "You don't have to act like you aren't bothered. I'm pretty shaken up. It's okay not to be okay."

Robin snorted. "Not according to Batman. He's great, and I love him, but he isn't really good at emotions."

"You don't have to be him," Wally pointed out, "You aren't him. You're you. You're already so different- better, in my opinion."

Robin didn't respond.


The Boy Wonder landed the ship about a half-mile away from where the circus was supposed to be. As soon as they stepped out, the trio stiffened.

They smelled smoke.

Robin took off in a dead sprint before Wally grabbed him and Mikoto and skidded to a halt. Mikoto gasped sharply.

The tent was engulfed in flames.

A strangled noise came from Robin's throat as he ran into the tent, Mikoto right behind him. She coughed, putting her shirt over her mouth and nose and looking around. The smoke was too thick to see anything, not even Robin in front of her. She heard him scream "I'm here!" and she took off in the direction of the voice.

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now