I'm Getting A Strange Sense Of Déjà Vu

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Red Arrow ->

Red Arrow's Theme Song ->

January 9th, 2011, Mount Justice

"Alright," a woman with blonde hair in a black leotard began. "It's time for combat training."

The next day, everyone was in the HQ, in civilian clothes... Mikoto was in a black tee-shirt with yellow hearts along with black converse, Robin had a black jacket along with sunglasses, (as well as his hair un-moronic), Wally in a red hoodie, M'Ghann in a blue blouse along with a skirt, Artemis with jeggings and a brown jacket, and Superboy in his regular black and red Superman shirt.

Wally, who was eating a banana grinned from his place beside Mikoto. Robin frowned at his friend.

"I'm getting a strange case of déjà vu."he commented, and Wally glared at him.

"Oh, shut it, Traffic Light."

"Traffic Light?" Robin raised an eyebrow. "I've heard Bird-brain, Little Birdie, Robby poo, Batty Brat, but Traffic Light? Smart words, Walls, especially for you."

Mikoto , ignoring their argument, was listening to Black Canary, the Team's trainer.

"Do you have any experience in hand-to-hand combat, Railgun?" the blonde asked.

Mikoto laughed awkwardly. "W-well... not really in hand-to-hand combat..."

"You rely more on your abilities." Black Canary guessed. "Well, I'll teach you the basics. Superboy didn't know much either, until I showed him some moves. Connor, care to show her?"

Superboy nodded, jumping up to the platform. He got into a comfortable fighting stance, narrowing his eyes at his trainer. He struck first, aiming a snap kick at her head, which Black Canary dodged. Superboy gave a punch at her head, and Black Canary blocked it with her forearm.

Superboy aimed a reverse punch to her temple as well as a punch to the stomach, which would have beaten anybody without Black Canary's skill.

However, Black Canary had skill. She did a flawless back handspring out of the way, Superboy's fist grazing her hair.

She jumped forward, grasping Connor's arm and kicking his feet out from under him at the same time. As he fell, the word 'FAIL' appeared by his head.

Superboy jumped to his feet as Black Canary turned to Mikoto.

"Connor can usually do better than that," she cast a side glance at the half-Kryptonian. "But you get the idea."

Mikoto nodded, stepping up to the platform herself as Superboy stepped off.

Black Canary nodded at Mikoto. "Combat is all about acting, never reacting. Never give your opponent the advantage of attacking first."

Mikoto gulped as Black Canary waited. She aimed a punch at Canary's head, who grabbed her fist and kicked her feet out from under her. Mikoto hit the ground, the word 'FAIL' by her head.

Wally laughed, before choking on the piece of banana he was eating, causing Robin to laugh as he slapped the speedster's back.

"Remember, don't go for the obvious moves." Black Canary advised as she helped Mikoto to her feet. "Next time, tr-" Before she could finish, Batman's voice came over the loud speakers.

"Team, to the front for a debriefing."

Black Canary smiled. "Well, Railgun, we'll continue this later, I suppose."

Mikoto nodded. She hopped off the platform, her face pink.

"It's fine." Mikoto jumped at Robin's voice, not expecting him to be beside her. "So you usually use your ability to fight, so what? That's expected. You'll get better, you should have seen how long it took Miss M to get it."

Mikoto shrugged. "Yeah, but I've been in loads of fights before, you'd think I'd of picked up something..."

Batman was standing in the middle of the room, a holographic image, as well as a person, beside him. The boy had bight red hair, large arms, and a red bow and quiver.

"Red Arrow!" Wally greeted, grinning. "Nice to see you!"

Red Arrow stared blankly at him. "Wally."

"What are you doing here?" Artemis asked. "Not that I'm happy to see you, but I thought you were looking for-"

"I came across something else." The archer interrupted. "The League Of Assassins, they're planning something."

"The League Of Assassins?" Robin echoed. "That's the best fighting force in the world, besides the Justice League, of course."

Red Arrow nodded. "Exactly... which is why I think some of us should check it out."

"What makes you think that?" Superboy asked.

"I have my reasons." Red Arrow grumbled. "But, anyway, let's go."

January 9, 2011, Academy City, Japan

"Do we have any leads?" A girl with red hair tied up in pig tails asked, black rings under her eyes.

"No." A girl with short black hair replied. "It's like she disappeared."

The red haired girl, Kuroko Shirai, a Level 4 teleporter, gritted her teeth. "Why would she leave?" she choked. "Why!?"

"I don't know." Uiharu Kazari yawned. "I bet she had a good reason, though..." she sighed. "It was supposed to be sunny today."

It was storming.

"That doesn't have anything to do with anything!" Kuroko snapped.

Uiharu cast her friend a nervous glance. "Kuroko... you should get some sleep. Staying up and making yourself to weak to do anything isn't going to help Mikoto."

Kuroko sighed. "I know, Uiharu, but... what if something happened to her!?"

"She can handle herself!" Uiharu trued to convince herself as much as her friend. "I can promise she'll be fine!"

"And just how can you do that?"

"Uh, er, I'm awesome?" It sounded more like a question.

Kuroko shook her head. "Sure, Uiharu-"

"Kuroko!" Uiharu gasped, typing something on her computer. "I just found something!"

Instantly, Kuroko was behind her. "What is it?"

"Mikoto bought a plane ticket to Washing D.C. about a week ago!" Uiharu's eyes were bright.

"But... why would she do that... unless..." Kuroko gasped as her eyes widened in terror. "Surely my Sissy would not run away with a man, right Uiharu!? Oh no, this is terrible!!"

"Just calm down, Kur-"

"Never!" Kuroko was pulling at her hair. "I need to buy a ticket to get to that place, yes, that's what I'll do! I'll get Sissy away from that scoundrel!"She teleported out of the room.

Uiharu smacked her forehead. "Oh, Kuroko..."

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now