One Is A Genius, The Other's Insane

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Barbara and Robin —>

Artemis's First Day —>

January 8th, 2011, Gotham City

Mikoto stepped out of the zeta tube.

It was her first day at Gotham Academy.

Gotham Academy was the most prestigious school in all of Gotham City, making it almost as hard to get in as Tokiwadai. It was funded and owned by Bruce Wayne himself, one of the wealthiest men in the world.

Thankfully, Robin and Artemis went there as well.

Mikoto had gotten a full ride Bruce Wayne scholarship, for reasons she wasn't sure of. Yeah, Mikoto was a member of the Justice League (kind of) but a scholarship?

You may be wondering how Mikoto knew that Robin went to this academy... it wasn't a long, complicated one involving Mikoto snooping around. No, it was much more simple.

"Well, Misaka, we should probably get to bed." M'Ghann had said after the shock from Mikoto's scholarship had worn off.

"Yeah, I have to head home." Robin sighed. "But I'll see you tomorrow, Misaka! Just remember Richard Grayson-" he froze, his face paling. "Aw, crap...."

Mikoto's eyes widened. "Wait... then, does that mean you're Bruce Wayne's-"

"Shh!" Robin frantically covered Mikoto's mouth. "I wasn't supposed to tell you! You cannot mention this, under any circumstances! Batman hears everything, and sees everything!"

"Wait, so Bruce is Batman, too!?"

Robin groaned. "Aw, crap! He's going to kill me!"

"No, he won't." Artemis comforted awkwardly.

(The rest of the team does know, as we can tell, because in the Young Justice comics- the ones canon to the show, not the original -had the Team coming to the manor for Robin's birthday)

"Yes he will." Robin whispered. He looked at the ceiling dramatically. "I'm too cute to die!" he looked at Mikoto. "Not that I'm egotistical or anything! Hehe..."

Mikoto shook her head. She was in front of the metal gates. She pulled on the bottom of the school's uniform. The skirt was a bit longer than her Tokiwadai skirt, but Mikoto had never worried about things showing, because she always wore a pair of shorts under the skirt. (much to her roommate's distaste) She was just nervous.

Mikoto stepped through the gates, looking around. There were kids everywhere, however Mikoto was searching for either Robin or Artemis. (Yes, Robin... she knew that if she referred to him as anything else too often, she would end up doing it in the field)

Mikoto spotted a familiar blonde head, and felt relief wash over her. She walked forward, about to say hi, whenever a voice stopped her.


Mikoto turned around to see a girl around her age with red hair and blue eyes smiling. "Mikoto Misaka, right? I'm Barbara." she greeted. "I'll be your student advisor!"

"I'm Misaka... but you already knew that...." Mikoto laughed awkwardly.

"Hey, Babs!" A familiar boy with blue eyes jumped up from behind Barbara. "Hi, Misaka!"

Mikoto's jaw dropped. "W-What the heck is wrong with your hair!?"

Sure enough, Robin's hair was slicked back in a very nerdy fashion.

Barbara blinked. "You two know each other?" she asked, right as Robin yelled, "What's wrong with my hair!?"

Mikoto looked at Barbara. "Uh, yeah, we ran into each other yesterday." She returned her gaze to Robin. "And what's wrong with it!? It's stupid!"

"Don't insult my hair!"

"Dick, you sound like a hyperactive stupid five year old..." Barbara muttered. "Did Fred experiment on you again?"

"No." Robin regained his composure.

Mikoto had every class with Robin, which were the advanced classes.. meaning she was in a few of Artemis's classes as well.

Currently, she was in biology.

They were about to dissect a frog, but Mikoto wasn't paying attention. It wasn't because she was stupid, science was her best subject. Well, physics was.... she was average at biology. However, she hadn't slept whatsoever the night before, so she could barely concentrate on keeping her eyes open.

Her lab partner, Olive was paying eager attention, though, so Mikoto was relying on her.Not very many people liked Olive, but she seemed alright to Mikoto.

"Alright!" Olive said, jolting Mikoto from her thoughts. "Let's get to work! You go get the stuff!"

Mikoto looked at her with unfocused eyes, half asleep. "What?"

Olive sighed. "Do you have any idea what we're doing, Misaka?"

"Erm, dissecting a frog!"


Mikoto looked at the desk.

Olive raised an eyebrow. "We're dissecting a frog to get to it's stomach to measure how much acid it takes for the frog to digest its food."

"I knew that!" Mikoto said hurriedly, trying her best to appear awake. "So, uh, what do we need?"

"Sodium-fluoride and water." Olive replied. "Go get it from the cabinet back there.

Nodding, Mikoto staggered to said cabinet, dragging her feet. She yawned, before bumping into a person.

More specifically, a person who was also known as a bird.

Even more specifically, Robin.

"Don't fall, that would be painful." He advised.

"You didn't sleep either, did you?" Mikoto remarked at his tired stance.

Robin smiled weakly. "You got me. I have no idea what we're doing. I haven't even been in this classroom, the other one was destroyed by a falling rock."

"A rock?"

"Superboy did it."


"So, what are we supposed to be getting?" Robin.

"Sodium chloride, I think." Mikoto replied, reaching for the green bottle. "I think we're supposed to mix it."

"Noted." Robin sighed as he grabbed a beaker, filling it with water from the sink.

Mikoto coughed. "You sure that's water?"

"I believe so."

She shrugged. "If you say so." She yawned. "We need five teaspoons." she said as she dumped in the stuff. "And a mixing spoo-"

Smoke pillowed from the beaker, green bubbles rising from the waters. The smoke turned a light pink, before the outside hardened into a crystal.

Robin gasped. "Science!"

"Wow..." Mikoto whispered. "It's sparkly.."

"We're so weird whenever we're tired.."


Suddenly, they both felt a presence behind them. The two turned around slowly, to find themselves face to face with a livid science teacher.

"What is going on here?" the teacher whispered in a dangerously quiet voice.

Mikoto gulped. "Uh, pink stuff made by two brains!"

"One is a genius, the other's insane!" Robin added hopefully.

The teacher pointed to the door. "Out."

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now