You Couldn't Land A Punch On Fat Amy

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Raya (As seen in the Nightwing comics... she would look younger in this story)->

Oh, and I'm not trying to falsely make Raya the evil jealous cheerleader in a cliche nerd-popular love story, this is how she behaves with Babs in the comics.

January 9, 2011, Somewhere In Russia

Mikoto gasped. "Wait- what!?"

Robin put his hands over her mouth. "Keep it down!" he hissed.

"Sorry." Mikoto muttered.

The two silenced, watching the scene unfold. However, neither of them were paying attention. Robin, for obvious reasons, but for Mikoto, well, she was curious.

Of course, Mikoto didn't dare think in Miss Martian's link.

Two hours later, Ra's and Talia had finally left.... it had ended in a fight, with Talia flinging her knife, and it hitting the tree only inches away from Wally. He had carefully picked it up, whispering something about souvenirs.

Red Arrow and Aqualad exchanged glances, before starting to return to the bioship.

Mikoto rested a hand on Robin's shoulder, who still looked as pale as a sheet.

"You okay?" she asked, before wincing. "Stupid question. I mean, uh, do you feel suicidal? No, that didn't sound right either... do you wanna go blow stuff up?"

"Yes, no, and kind of." Robin answered in a robotic tone. "I'm just... shocked."

"Are you sure? You seem distraught..."

"Nope! Perfectly traught!" Robin flashed her a bright smile.

Mikoto didn't buy it, but she stayed quiet.


January 10, 2011, St. Louis, Missouri

"Okay," Red Arrow began. "So, what's the plan again?"

Mikoto scowled. "Since when did you become leader, you old geezer?"

Red Arrow gritted his teeth. "I'm nineteen." he said stiffly. "That isn't an old geezer."

"Whatever you say, Arrow."

Wally shouldered Mikoto, a gesture that clearly stated be quiet.

Mikoto raised her hands. "What did I do?" she muttered.

Wally sighed. "The plan is, that we infiltrate the circus- again -as the 'Majestic Masons'... we're cousins, and we all were trained under a different circus, which got shut down... I'm Marcus, M'Ghann is Megan, Red Arrow is Matthew, Mikoto is Mackenzie, and Robin, is, well, himself." he frowned. "Won't someone recognize us? We've infiltrated them before..."

"That's where I come in!" M'Ghann piped up. "I'm going to mess with the circus worker's memories, so they won't have any memory we were ever there before now."

Robin's eyes widened. "Wait, you just mean the infiltration thing, right!?" he asked, sounding desperate.

"Er- yeah." M'Ghann answered, confused. "Obviously... they're supposed to remember you.... so we can see how they react...."

After the shocking realization at the League Of Shadows, Mikoto had been filled in by Artemis... apparently, Haly's circus was supposed to produce a recruit for the Court Of Owls.. and the last one... was Richard Grayson...

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now