He Forgot His Special Medicine

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The Team (From left to right: Superboy/Connor, Miss Martian/M'Ghann, Artemis/Herself, Robin/Shall be announced/ , Kid Flash/Wally, Aqualad/Kaldur

Young Justice op ->

Zatanna and Rocket come in later in the series... this is my version, remember?

January 7, 2011, Washington D.C.

"So, you're sure." A man in a black suit said. "We need to be sure, Mikoto."

Mikoto squirmed in her seat under the intense gaze of The Batman. "Yeah, I'm sure."

Batman had been interrogating her for three days now. She had told him everything she knew about Academy City... aside Radio Noise, which was a project where 20,000 clones of Mikoto were created, before half of them were slaughtered.

Batman frowned, reading her face. "You're not telling me something."

"W-What? Don't be ridiculous! Hehe..."

Batman sighed. "You'll tell me eventually." He stood up. "Find your suit... and your name... you'll come to the co-ops team in two hours."

Mikoto's eyes widened. Two hours!? That isn't enough time!

But, of course, she didn't say that.

Mikoto simply nodded, not wanting the Bat to be angry at her.

Batman stood up. "You'll stay in Mount Justice." He stated.

He walked out of the room, leaving Mikoto alone.

Even though she was shocked about why he had left her alone, Mikoto started thinking. She didn't have a uniform, but maybe she could just buy a leather jacket or something... she'd never told anyone, but she'd always wanted to dress up like a biker.

"Yeah, that could work." she muttered. "Don't want people to recognize me."

Eventually, Red Tornado came into the small room. "It's time to go to Mount Justice." he stated. Mikoto nodded, standing up.

"Have you decided your name yet?" he asked, trying to make small talk. Mikoto nodded again.

"I've decided on Railgun." she said. She wanted to keep it simple.

Red Tornado said nothing, just turned and walked out of the room. She followed him to the library, and stopped at a tunnel. He turned to her.

"Wait about five seconds after I've gone through, then follow me." he commanded. Mikoto nodded.

She blinked as Red Tornado stepped through, and was scanned by a blue light.

"Red Tornado, 08" A computerized voice said, and Red Tornado was gone.

Mikoto's eyes widened in shock as she counted to five. Taking a deep breath, she stepped up to the tunnel.

"Railgun, B08" the voice said, and suddenly she was in a large room. She took a few steps forward until she was beside Red Tornado. She looked at a group of kids, who she assumed to be the the team.

Mikoto recognized the boy with black hair and a red and yellow suit as Robin, and the boy with a dark complexion and blonde hair as Aqualad. She didn't know the rest.

A ginger with a yellow suit was staring at her. "Who's the kid?" he asked.

Red Tornado rested a hand on her shoulder. "This is Railgun." he explained. "A new addition to your team."

A girl with bright green skin and red hair flew up to Mikoto, smiling. "Hi, Railgun!" she said cheerfully. "I'm M'Ghann, but you can call me Megan... it's an

Earth name!"

Mikoto waved awkwardly.

"I'm Wally!" The red haired boy added. "And this ray of sunshine," he gestured to a girl with long blonde hair and quiver of arrows on her back. "Is Artemis." He pointed at the boy who strongly resembled a younger Superman. "That's Superboy, Aqualad, and-

"Robin!" Robin greeted, pushing Wally out of the way. "The Boy Wonder, the most whlemed person you could ever meet!" He seemed a bit too eager.

"Er, whelmed?" Mikoto asked as she blushed.

"Yeah, Rob forgot to take his special medicine this morning." Wally explained. Robin glared at him.

"Shut it, Kid Mouth!"

"Uh.." Artemis grabbed Mikoto's arm. "Let's go! I'll show you the kitchen, I think M'Ghann made cookies!"

"That's right!" The Martian agreed quickly.

Mikoto followed the girls to the kitchen, still bright red.

"You okay, Railgun?" M'Ghann asked. "You look really red..."

Mikoto, if possible, blushed harder. "E-eh!? No! Why would I be red? That's ridiculous! Hehehe..." she looked away awkwardly.

Artemis smirked. "I bet I know why..."

"Hi!" Kaldur greeted as he entered the kitchen, followed suit by Superboy. "It's nice to meet you... I apologize for Robin and Wally, they aren't the most... mature... people."

"That kid that climbed Superboy's head was more mature than those two." Artemis muttered.

Superboy was staring at Mikoto, a thoughtful look on his face.

Mikoto bit her lip. "Uh, can I help you? Or something?"

Superboy shook his head. "No, no, it's nothing, Railgun... you just seem familiar..."

"I don't think I've seen you around." Mikoto said. "Oh, and you don't have to call me Railgun, my name is Mikoto Misaka..."

"Nice to meet you, Mikoto!" Robin repeated, popping up from behind her.

Wally smacked him over the head. "Can't you tell she's Japanese?" he snorted. "You greet Japanese people you just met by their surname, moron!"

Robin glared at him, turning red. "I-I knew that!"

"He's just nervous." M'Ghann piped up. "He usually isn't this... um..."

"Stupid." Artemis finished. "He actually has a genius level intellect... except whenever it comes to girls. The first time I saw him out of costume, even though I didn't make the connection yet, he ran up and took a selfie with me...."

"He once suggested that Martians kill their prisoners." M'Ghann added.

"Guys!!' Robin yelled, his face red. "Shut up!"

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now