That Boy... Is Robin...

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January 10, 2011, Haly's Circus

Of course, Mikoto had planned to rush back to the cabin and show the team the journal at that very moment, however, as soon as she turned the corner from the storage room, Raya was in front of her.

"What are you doing out here?" she asked politely, however Mikoto saw a hint of a smirk on her face.

"Looking for the bathroom." Mikoto replied smoothly.

Raya grabbed Mikoto's arm. "Well, it's right by your cabin." she snorted.

Raya lead Mikoto back to said cabin, and pointed to a door with the words, 'WOMEN'S BATHROOM' printed in bold letters. Mikoto smiled sheepishly.

"Hehehe...." She went into the room.

The awkward thing?

She no longer had to go.

January 11, 2011, Haly's Circus

Although the journal was sitting under her pillow, Mikoto still didn't have any time to give it to Robin... because as soon as she woke up, they had to go practice.

Guess what Mikoto's part was...

She had to dive into a pool.. with electricity.

Obviously, it wouldn't injure her, but she had to perform in front of a live audience.. in a swimsuit.

Mikoto was a very insecure person, so of course, she was not ecstatic about the idea.

They had spent the entire day practicing, and it was time for the performance (It wasn't too hard.. Robin was on the trapeze, Wally was catching Red Arrow's arrows in his teeth, M'Ghann was using her telekinesis to be 'the strongest woman', and Mikoto was jumping in a pool.

The circus was about to begin, whenever Mikoto saw the owner, Haly himself, beckoning Mikoto and Robin into his office. The two heroes exchanged a glance, before following.

"Dick!" Haly began. "What are you doing back here?"

Robin shrugged. "It's home."

Haly chuckled. "Right you are."

Mikoto stood by Robin awkwardly, not completely sure about what she was doing.

"I just wanted to warn you," Haly continued. "Raya has been... different... ever since Raymond drowned... so just, watch out."

Mikoto didn't miss the way Robin winced at 'drowned', however he covered it up with a smile.

"Will do!" he replied.

"Dick, can I speak to Mackenzie here for a moment?" Haly asked politely, and after a nervous glance at her, Robin obliged, jogging out of the room.

"Now then... Railgun." Mikoto winced as Haly said her real name. "Where's the journal?"

Mikoto straightened up. "What journal?"

"The journal I saw you with last night."

Mikoto clenched her fist. "That was my diary."

"Sure it was." Haly crossed his arms. "Look, kid, I don't want to drag you into all of this, so how about you just hand it over?"

Mikoto met his gaze, dropping her act. "Maybe I'll do that after you explain why my friend's name is in it." she snapped.

"Don't get ahead of yourself. Just because you can zap someone, doesn't mean anything."

A spark jumped from Mikoto's forehead. "Talk." she growled. "Now."

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