We're A Team

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Railgun Opening 3, Used In This As The symbol For The Friendship Between Mikoto and The Team->

January 12, 2011, Mount Justice

"So what you're saying," Batman began, narrowing his eyes, "Is that you're from the future, however as soon as you found the brother you'd been searching for your entire life, you were thrown into a time portal, and from then on you've been searching for a way back, only stopping and establishing yourself as the sixth most powerful Level 5 in two days time, and upon overhearing somebody talking about killing Railgun while she was in the hospital, came and saved her?"

Everyone was back in Mount Justice, in their street clothes.

Elena nodded. "Yep... but it's fifth now, Mental Out died." At all the shocked glances she received, Elena raised her hands in defense. "Hey! I never knew the guy!"

"Girl." Mikoto corrected.

"But then, how do you know about all of this?" Wally waved gestured at the Cave.

Elena began to sweat bullets. "Oh, I, erm, just, eh, I can't really tell you that!"

Batman didn't appear to be fazed. "And why not?"

"Because I'm not exactly supposed to tell you..." Elena muttered, avoiding his gaze. "Nothing would turn out like it should..."

"Then... who's your brother?" Black Canary asked.

"You see, that's the thing I can't tell you!"

"Well, if you want us to believe you, you should..." Robin crossed her arms. Elena glared at him.

"Quiet, Grayson!"

The room went silent.

"How do you know his name?" Batman finally spoke. Elena gulped.

"Well, uh... you see...." Elena fidgeted with the hem of her shirt. "I'll tell you this... the mother of your blood son... is also my blood mother...."

"I don't have a blood son."

"Yes you do." Elena argued. "I won't tell you who, but you find him in, eh, six years or so. "I'm not your kid," she added after a pause. "My father is a Japanese architect... I just managed to find my brother one day after my father died, and you let me stay with you."

"J'onnz?" Wonder Woman broke the silence. Martian Manhunter nodded, his eyes glowing a vivid red.

"She is telling the truth." The Martian stated. "No doubt about that."

"Alright." Batman relented. "You can stay here until further notice, but that's it. You don't leave. Not for a friendly outing, not even if you get a lead on this time traveling dilemma. And certainly not for a mission."

Elena nodded. "Yes, Batsy sir!"

Robin snickered. "Batsy."

Batman raised his voice to address everyone in the room. "Okay, everyone, hit the showers and go home. Tomorrow, we will investigate this bird man."

"Home?" Mikoto sighed. "I am home." She started to turn around, before Elena's voice stopped her.

"Hey, Supes!"

Both Mikoto and Superboy turned around, both because Elena was looking at Mikoto, and Superboy was known by, well, Superboy. The rest of the Team stopped as well.

A Certain Scientific Superhero Book 1: Lightning FlashWhere stories live. Discover now