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People break up, they move on, they find someone new. When they can't move on, they think about how their partner held their hand, hugged them, kissed them. They look at old pictures and smile at the memories they once made. And you know what's so different about you and me? I don't remember you holding my hand, hugging me or kissing me. It's because it never happened. Our love story ended before it even started. Heck, we didn't even have a proper conversation face to face. All I had, was the memory of how your laugh felt like music to my ears and your soothing voice etched in my messed up head. Slowly, I was losing that too. I still used to see you everyday. It killed me being so close to you, yet so far away from you. We met with our friends and we had to pretend nothing happened. They were teasing us, but I had to pretend that you didn't just break my heart. And you don't break my heart everyday when I don't see your text, when I don't see your call even after seeing your face. I guess i just want to say that I miss you. And I want to be with you. And it kills me knowing it won't ever happen.

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