last goodbye?

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If I had known that it was the last time I would be hearing your voice, I would have talked to you a little longer. If I had known it was the last time I would be hearing you laugh, I would have recorded it. If I had known it was the last time I would be seeing you, I would have taken a picture of you smiling to make it last. It sounds extremely cheesy, but every word of it is true. I don't know how to go on without you. Even when we weren't talking, I was always reassured that you were there. Now, you're gone for good. You didn't even say goodbye. I found out from your ex. Know how much it hurt? When she said 'he left without telling you?' All I could do was nod. I couldn't believe you were actually gone. You left me. All alone. I needed you. You left me. I'm saying this as if I expected you to care. But you don't. I guess I'm blaming you because I am absolutely exhausted of blaming myself.  

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