i wanted so much more

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The worst part of it all is that I want so much more. I want something we can never have. I want to go for late-night drives, singing our favourite songs at the top of our lungs, and being perfectly glad to be in each other's presence. I want to dance in the rain with you while you tell me how much you love me. I wanna look you in the eyes, hold your hand, while my heart does not stop fluttering and my stomach becomes butterflies' natural habitat. I want to be able to rely on you. I want you to hold me as i cry when i'm being a dramatic bitch for whatever reason. I wanna cuddle with you cause i know that will become the best sleep i will ever have. I want to share everything with you, my happiness, my sadness, everything. I want to see your face when i'm having a bad cause maybe, just maybe, hearing your voice is gonna make it all better. Maybe, just maybe, everything i went through wont be just for nothing. I want to be that person for you. The person who makes you smile after a horrible day. The person you can rely on no matter what. The person who will love you despite everything. If only you'll let me.

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