can't let go

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everywhere i looked, i saw a sign telling me to leave. that this is not enough. that i deserve better. hell, you said it too. but WHY just why am i still here? doesn't that just make me so fucking stupid? and so messed up? "sometimes you love the wrong person to avoid loving yourself" i read this somewhere and started to wonder: is it what is happening here? with me? but the one thing that stops me is the change i see in you. and you have no goddamn idea how much i fucking appreciate it. but there's the fear of you slipping back into your old habits. how can i trust you when i don't even trust myself? you said if you were me, you wouldn't take the risk. that made me feel so fucking worthless. "so casually cruel in the name of being honest.""someone can love you so desperately with their words but still not love you enough with their actions."

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