your flashback

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"Are you ready sweetheart"

"No!..." I say looking my new boyfriend in the eyes. He let out a deep chuckle from his stomach as he pushed me further up the ramp when the line moved forward. One thing about me is I'm slightly afraid of Ferris wheels because I'm always worried they're gonna break down or get stuck when I'm at the top, and I just genuinely have a fear of heights, but Jagger assured me it would be ok. We were the first in the line for the next ride and the attendant was super nice and told jokes and messed around. We told him that it was our first date and he smiled widely and said something about it.

The Ferris wheel stopped and I stepped in and looked back to see Jagger talking to the attendant. I could tell what he was saying but I assumed it was a joke. I then buckled in and when I looked up jagger was seated beside me smiling as he unbuckled me.

"Why did you do that!" I ask half laughing as I go to put it back on.

"Because you don't need it" he chuckled "and besides if something happens I'll protect you better than a little leather strap"

"I know I know I'm just nervous" I let my hands grab the seatbelt once more and right before I'm able to fasten them Jagger softly grabs my hand. He moved me closer to him inch by inch until I was on top of his lap and he was holding me at the waist. He kissed the back of my neck and pulled me even closer to his chest.

"Look at Hercules, the constellation. See the stars and how they connect." I say trying to point it out with my finger as I look up at the sky, my eyes filled with awe.

"Hercules, like the strong Greek mythological demigod?"

"Yeah like the mythological Greek demigod," I said, looking for more constellations.

"The stars are beautiful, but I think I can get a better view" he softly whispered into my ear.

"How?" I asked curiously.

"By looking at the shine in your eyes." He turned me around so I was facing him and he stared into my eyes studying every minuscule detail. His hand traveled around my lower back making me blush, shoving my face in my hands. He took both my hands in his one hand and pulled them away from my face. His kind eyes studying my face with his smile reassuring me and shoving all of my insecurities away.

"Oh my gosh stop you're making me turn into a tom-." I started, but he silenced me quickly by moving his other hand up to the back of my head and pulling me into his lips. My blush spread even more as my eyes widened. Slowly I gave way to the kiss, kissing him back slowly. He licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I declined him not wanting to go that far yet. Suddenly the Ferris wheel stopped, suddenly, once we got to the top. I jumped up and broke the kiss off looking out the window at the ground.

"What's happening?!" I yelled freaking out as I was afraid of heights

"Calm down my sweetheart... I will protect you." He pulled me closer to him holding my waist as he stood in front of me. The shifting weight caused the cart to lean all to one side. I squeaked moving to the other side quickly. Jagger came over to me shifting the weight once again, but this time he had trapped me in the corner of the cart. The Ferris wheel once again starts to move, sending me on top of Jagger and Jagger falls backwards onto his butt. I ended up catching myself and just when the cart stops moving and I think I'm safe on my feet Jagger reaches up and pulls me down onto his lap laughing in my ear.

A ringing in my ear grew intense, making me go to cover my ears but my fingers stayed entertained with his. Darkness started to cave in on me. The last thing I could see was Jagger's soft smile and the last thing I felt was my fiancé's hand brushing through my hair and his screams telling me to keep my eyes open, then everything ended. The memory of our first date and first kiss faded from my mind as I slipped into complete darkness and lost all consciousness.

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