fly out

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 I woke up to the sound of suitcases being rolled on the floor. Jagger was moving the luggage to the door.

"Oh good morning beautiful girl." He said walking over to me. I stood up saying,

"Morning handsome."

"You better hurry and get ready. We have to leave soon." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Yes sir." I said walking to our room. I decided on wearing a pair of leggings with a t-shirt and Jagger's hoodie with my converse. After changing I brushed my hair and teeth, putting on a little bit of makeup. We loaded up the car and drove to the airport, blasting music through the speakers on the way. We parked the car and unloaded our two suitcases, grabbing our carry ons. While standing in line to grab our tickets I grabbed his hand looking up at him smiling. He placed a kiss on my forehead before walking forward in line. After receiving our tickets we walked through the terminal, and waited in our assigned gate.

"I'm hungry." Jagger said standing up. "Do you want anything?" he asked.

"Where are you going?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Probably starbucks. It's right across the room." He said, pulling his wallet out of his pocket.

"Yeah just my coffee and a breakfast sandwich please and thank you." I said, smiling at him.

"Ok I'll be back in a minute." He said as he jogged over to the store. I went back to scrolling through my phone as I waited for my husband. I looked up when I heard him say,

"Okay, here's your drink and sandwich." as he sat next to me, handing me my order.

"Thank you, baby." I said, kissing his cheek. We sat and ate while waiting for our plane. About a half hour went by and we were called to our gate. We grabbed our carry-ons and walked towards the terminal. After scanning our tickets we walked into the tunnel and boarded the plane. Our seats were located at the back of the plane in the corner.

"Can I sit by the window?" I asked as Jagger put the carry-ons in the overhead bin.

"Of course sweetheart," he said, smiling at me. I sat next to the window, Jagger sitting next to me in the middle seat. I had always gotten nervous for take off and I think he noticed because he grabbed my hand, kissing the back of it.

"Ready?" He asked.

"As I'll ever be," I replied, leaning my head on his shoulders. The flight was nice and peaceful, probably because I slept through it all. I only woke up once and it was because I got hungry. The flight was descending as I began to wake my husband up.

"Hey we are getting ready to land, you better wake up," I said, nudging him slightly. He opened his eyes and stretched his arms and legs. We waited until mostly everyone was off the plane before we grabbed our things. After we stepped out of the plane I was met with the smell of the salty ocean. I breathed in the scent enjoying the relaxation that washed over me. I felt a hand on my back as I looked up and smiled at the man who planned this whole trip. We walked down the stairs and into the airport, after grabbing our luggage from the pick up station we walked out of the airport and called a taxi. We were driven to our hotel which was a very nice looking hotel.

"This looks really nice, how did you get it?" I asked him with a look of awe.

"I have my ways." He said as we stepped out of the car, grabbing our luggage from the back. He checked in while I just stared at all the wonderful features and details of the nice building.

"Hey we're ready, let's go." Jagger said in a soft voice. We walked over to the elevator and went up to the 5th floor. After stepping out we quietly jogged down the hall to room 542. He opened the door and let me walk in first. The room was so nice it had pale blue walls and it was ocean themed. The bed was very big and had a tv on a dresser in front. There was also a full on kitchen and balcony. There was some food in the fridge with a note saying "these are for you to use while you are here. They do not cost you." Awe how sweet of them. I also saw a bottle of champagne and red wine in a bucket of ice on the counter. I put it in the fridge knowing we would have some later. The bathroom was quite large and had a bathtub and shower. I walked back into the main area where the bed was and just couldn't get over the fact that this was happening.

"How did you get this type of room?" I asked, walking over and lacing my arms around Jagger's neck. He smiled and said

"It's the honeymoon suite. You thought I was going to get a regular hotel room for us to stay in for the next week."

"No but I certainly wasn't expecting this. Thank you. I love you." I said, my voice getting softer as more words left my mouth. I stood on my tip-toes and kissed him. His hands found their way to my thighs lifting me up as my own legs wrapped around his waist and my hands made their way to his hair. He walked over to the bed and laid me down, not breaking the kiss. We simply just made-out but not in a rough way, just soft and slow. He broke the kisses and looked at me smiling before falling next to me on the bed. I giggled at his now messy hair. We just stared at each and it was almost like we were communicating telepathically. He grabbed my waist pulling me close as I laid my head on his chest. I felt a gentle kiss being placed on my head as we laid there and fell asleep waiting for the sun to wake us up. 

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