boss man

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*two weeks later*

^y/n pov

Time has flown since our honeymoon and lets just say it will be a week of memories I will never forget. Life has slowed down and we both went back to work and living our day to day lives. I woke up and crawled out of bed going to make breakfast and coffee. I was putting the food on plates when I heard the bedroom door open.

"Good morning my love!" I said as Jagger walked into the kitchen

"Morning," he said, rubbing his eyes. He sat down as I poured him a cup of coffee and myself a cup of tea.

"I have an important meeting to go to today and I'm not exactly sure when I will be home so don't wait up for me past 9:30 ok?" He said before taking a sip of his coffee.

"Oh alright, do you want me to leave your dinner in the fridge or microwave?"

"In the fridge is fine" he said while I brought the breakfast plates over. When we were finished I washed everything up and got ready for work. I was finally ready for work.

"Bye J love you"

"Love you too" he yelled back and with that I was out the door.

^ Tom (the neighbor) pov

It was about 7 in the morning when I saw her leave the house. I knew that today something was not going to go right. She is supposed to be dead and it's on me that she isn't. My scruffy beard and brown hair looked uncared for but my suit looked brand new, making the last few preparations before driving to the warehouse.

*at the warehouse*

I walked in and saw the dark corner where the boss sits. He was the one that wanted her dead but I was supposed to actually shoot her.

"Tom, do you remember when I told you the plan for this whole murder?" the boss asked huskily.

"Yes sir I just assumed-"

"Exactly you assumed!"

"Sir the papers hadn't even been signed yet so you still wouldn't have gotten anything." I proclaimed, knowing I was right.

"That is correct but you had specific orders and I said I would take care of the rest. Even then you couldn't do one simple thing on time!"

"I'm sorry sir-"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it Tom! You are utterly useless and obviously the only way to get anything you want done and done right you have to do it yourself."

"Sir what exactly comes from killing her other than you get a few trinkets and some money?"

"It's bigger than that Tom, you wouldn't understand"

"Its her inheritance what's the big deal"

"The big deal is her inheritance will get me something big for the next project."

"Right so what are you going to do with me"

"You will not be getting your cut, you're fired, and you will never speak a word of this to anyone because if you do I have no other choice but to rid you of this world for good."

"Of course you would," I whispered to myself.

"Now if you'll excuse me I need to whip up something special for our girl"

"You're going to poison her?"

"Yes, now if you want something done you have to do it yourself. You are excused now Tom and remember what's on the line if you speak of this."

"Yes Mr. Moon"

"Wonderful" and with that I walked out of the warehouse. 

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