The Truth Released

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authors note: above is a photo of pearce joze from the last chapter if you didn't know him.

"Why?" I asked

"I know, I know what you did. I don't know why and I don't really care but I want you gone." She said

" if you let me explain you may understand and if not I don't blame you for still wanting to leave but give me a chance." I pleaded

"Why? You tried to kill me!"

"I know but please just...... let me explain"

"You have 20 minutes and you better have a darn good reason."

"Ok a long while back I got into a line of work that now I regret but I can't get out now. At first it was just doing his dirty work but now it's all very bad stuff-"

" who's he and what do you mean dirty work"

" just running his errands and I don't know who he is" I have never met him but if I leave he'll kill me. Any way he called me and told me about you and your fortune you get when your dad dies. He was sitting by you and the gun was supposed to hit him but the hit man messed up. So I was told do all of this with you for fake just he could get the fortune. I wasn't supposed to fall in love with you but I did and it deals my heart knowing this is something that I was hiding from you and you were never supposed to find out. I thought when I was done I could just live out my days with you and forget about this life. I understand if you don't love me and want to leave me." I said with tears in my eyes and looked down.

" I won't" she whispered

"What" I asked taken a back

"Jagger you are in a difficult position. And yes you trying to kill me is not ideal or anything but I still love you. Before you did all this I knew a very kind and lovable man. You have shown me things and loved me in ways no one has. It may take a while to restore what we have but I will never stop loving you." She said.

"I definitely do not deserve you but I love you so much. I still am not out of the woods yet" she grabbed my hand and said

" we will do it together"

The boys came in and visited slowly they all left and it was just me y/n and james.

"So how are you guys?" James asked

"Good as we can be I guess" y/n said

"That's good but jagger I'm very disappointed in you" james said

"What why" I said

"Because I thought you would be better than the rest of them. You weren't supposed to fall in love with y/n and boy I thought you were going to actually follow through with finishing the job like I asked. But I can see your just as weak as the ones before you." He said calmly. I was flabbergasted. Never in all the people in the world did I expect james to be the boss.

"What, how are you, when-"

"A tale for another time, but unfortunately you won't be around to hear it." He said " I would watch your back moon. For things come at the most unexpected moments."

He left without another word leaving my and my wife stunned.

Authors note: I know james is the sweetest human alive and would/could never do this but I needed a plot twist. Love you james and jagger<3

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