flashback pt 2

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*jagger pov*

 I looked her in the eyes and she looked like she was happy in a distant place. I could only wonder what my love was thinking about. It might have been her life flashing before her eyes or it might be something special to her but all I knew was that I was losing her.

Her blood was staining my hands and my suit as she laid in my lap on the altar. I tried to soothe her by sliding my thumb across her cheek. My tears overflowed my eyes and fell on her dress, closing my eyes thinking of my favorite moments with her.


"Baaaaaabbbby!" my girlfriend yells walking in my bedroom. I was wearing a white suit and a matte black shirt that easily showed off my muscles still. You could tell my girl was impressed because as soon as she came in, a blush covered her face. She looked even better than me though. She wore a beautiful long white flowy dress with blue flowers all over it. It also had long sleeves and it was off the shoulder. It had a low cut in the front. She looked stunning.

My girlfriend was coming over to hang out with me before I left for California to work with the boys for a week. We were planning on going out to a nice restaurant to talk. We walked down the stairs leading onto my porch and I got my car keys out of my pocket pressing the unlock button twice. Then I opened the door for her and got in the driver's seat. Once inside I focused on turning my car on as the key was deciding to be mean.

"Are you ready for Japanese?" I asked her, directing my focus to her for a brief moment.

"I'm so ready, are you?" She asked back.

"If I could get this stupid car to start." Finally the key turned sending the car into a fit of noise. Quickly I took the key out of the car and gave a nervous smile to my girlfriend.

"If you want we can walk there, it's not that far. It's only like 4 miles." She said, her voice is as smooth as honey and as sweet as sugar.

"No, I can get it to start. It'll be okay." I said trying again but once again my car wouldn't start.

"Let's just walk, it's fine really," she said, grabbing my hand in reassurance.

"No, we'd never make it in time, our reservation is in 5 minutes." I said looking at my watch in disappointment.

"Ok new plan. How about you grub hub us some Chick-Fil-a, we can watch a movie, cuddle, and maybe do some kissing or something...." She said leaning over, smiling at me.

"Yeah?" I asked, smiling back.

"Yeah." She said softly as she closed the distance between us. I kissed her softly before she got out of the car.

"You better order that Chick-Fil-a before you come inside." She yelled going inside my house. I whipped my phone out to order our usual food.

"ORDERED" I yell as I walk into the house and upstairs to my bedroom. She looked around at me, making me chuckle. "You've already changed... and you took my favorite sweatshirt?" I laughed as I took my suit jacket off going over to my dresser to grab my pajama pants.

"I may like that dress but I wasn't gonna wear it all night if I was gonna be in your bed." She said going back to her phone.

"My bed? Who said you were gonna be on my bed, hmm?" I asked, teasing her slightly, changing my pants.

"Well this is your house, your room, so I assumed I was going to be laying in your bed tonight." She sassed back.

"Mmmmm nope not gonna happen sorry" I continued with my tease.

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