Dentist at home (Louis/Larry)

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A request from @thumperglow, hope you like it, even if it wasn't much of a temp filling and I may have somewhat traumatized half of the band. Don't worry tho, they'll be fine...probably~

Anyways, Enjoy.



Louis POV

It had started a few days ago, and had only gotten worse from that point. The horrible toothache had me twisting and turning in bed, struggling to fall asleep, as it felt like fire had been poured into my mouth and was burning a hole through my jaw.

Normally you'd think that a quick visit to the dentist would solve this problem, but the problem with that is that I'm absolutely terrified of the dentist, to the point where I'd much rather suffer.

At least, that's what I'd thought a few days ago, when I'd made the decision to hide the pain from the other lads because they would almost certainly force me to go. Back then the pain had been manageable, but it'd only gotten worse and worse as time progressed, causing the predicament I was facing right now.

"Lou? You're still awake?" Asked my boyfriend, who'd apparently just returned from his nighttime stroll, and was now giving me a concerned look in the mostly dark room we shared.

I knew I'd have to think of something quickly to throw him off and stop him from finding out. I knew that if I were to be found out, I'd have to face Harry's wrath, and Liam's slipper, his warning about not hiding our sickness still run vividly in my ears, even if it was months ago.

Thinking fast, I pulled Harry down onto the bed and snuggled into his chest, effectively trapping him as my pillow.

"Missed you." I murmured, in my best impression of a sleepy voice, the sound mostly being blocked, but I knew he would still hear it.

"Aaaaauw, c'mere Loubear." Harry cooed as he pulled me closer into his chest and snuggled me close for the rest of the night. He could never say no to me when I acted cute, but the downside of my plan involved having to lay perfectly still for the rest of the night, forcing my breathing to be calm, so he'd think I was asleep.

By the time morning arrived, the burning feeling in my jaw had doubled in intensity, causing me a massive headache, and had me forcing back the tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. Naturally, I hadn't slept a wink.

I'd pretended to be asleep till Harry had left the room, since it was his turn to make breakfast, before even attempting to open my eyes. The room was still dark, Harry having left the curtains closed to let me sleep in, so at least the blaring sun wasn't adding to the pounding headache.

A particularly bad bout of pain shot through my body the moment I tried to get up, spreading like a shockwave from my jaw, all the way through the rest of my body, causing me to nearly call out in pain, but just managing to press my hands to my mouth to muffle the pained scream, tears leaking down my cheeks as I attempted to be quiet till the pain subsided a bit.

Once it did, after a few minutes, I quickly made my way over to the bathroom to clean myself up, being extremely mindful to not touch that side of my mouth in the slightest.

After cleaning up as well as I could, I went on a hunt for the only thing that had kept me sane during the last few days.

Ice cream.

Quickly making my way into the kitchen, past my boyfriend, and towards the freezer, I finally got to the tub of icy goodness, immediately sticking some in my mouth and moaning in relief.

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