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The next morning

For about 5 minutes I was trying to find something to wear in my closet but then I spotted some denim shorts and a long-sleeved high-neck crop top. Perfect I hope gavi likes my outfit. Then I started to put a fair amount of makeup on and I looked at the time and it was 7:30. I think it's time to go downstairs. I grabbed my bag and started heading downstairs and heard a notification from my phone it was Gavi.

Gavi- hi kayla are you ready

Me-yeah I'm

Gavi- meet me outside my house 😊

Me- ok I'll be there in 1min

Ahh, he used a blushing emoji on me. Does he like me? Ok, I need to stop thinking that there's no way a boy like him could like me he's too perfect.

I walked out of the house and saw him standing there smiling at me "hi Kayla you look nice" I could feel my cheeks blush a bit. "Aww thx so do you" and then we heard a BEEP. It was his friend. As I looked closely I saw two people in the front. As I got in Gavi introduced me to his two friends. They both smiled at me the one driving the car was called Pedri and the passenger was called Torres. "So kayla how old are you," Torres said. I felt Gavi's eyes on me waiting for an answer "I'm 17 I answered". Gavi smiled and said, "that's perfect I'm 18". What did he mean by that but I doubt he likes me.

As I got there Gavi introduced me to a few of his teammates and I even saw Lewandowski.

Gavi played amazing at training and so did pedri. Gosh, I need to stop falling for him he's just too perfect.
When training was over Gavi asked if I wanted to go to Pedri's House since he was staying there for a bit."yeah sure why not". Omg, more time with Gavi this was amazing. As we got to Pedri's house I realised that it wasn't that far from my house and Gavi's. Gavi told me to wait here because he wanted to shower and so did pedri. So when they went I checked my phone and had a few messages from Jasmine.

Jasmine- Heyy how are u
-have you talked to that cute boy u were talking about yesterday?

Me - hi
-omg yes I actually have I've spent most of the day with him and his mates.

Jasmine- what really I bet he likes u

Me- Nah I doubt it

I was feeling a bit thirsty so I tried to look for a fridge and when I opened the door I saw Gavi with a towel wrapped around the lower half of his body"uhh sorry" I quickly shut the door gasping for air. Omg, he looked so hot, but then the door opened I turned around already planning for an apology when he took my hand and pulled me into the room locking the door and came close to my face saying "you don't need to apologise beautiful" and kissed me so hard.

neighbours to lovers - Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now