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Gavi's side still

I was still in shock from what I just said. I walked up and sat on the bed slightly touching her hand. "Yes I love you silly," I said smiling but she never smiled back which made mine fade away. I placed my hand under her chin pulling it towards my face "kayla I know you still like me and I know I messed up really bad but please know that I'm sorry and won't ever do it again". I then pulled her closer to press her lips against mine. Her lips were so soft and warm but after a few seconds she pulled away slightly with our faces still closer I could feel her hot breath tingle my upper lip. "How can I trust you," she said waiting for a response that she can be satisfied with." Because I love you".

Kayla's side

I still kept my face near and I couldn't help but smile. One more chance wouldn't hurt. As he saw my smile he kissed my lips harder than the first time. I quickly pulled away realising I didn't brush my teeth yet." My breath probably smells bad". I said before he questioned me. He smiled and went on top of me "I don't care" smirking his way in for another kiss".

The door opened "Woah I guess you guys made up already" my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach when I realised who was watching. Gavi quickly got off me while both of our faces were like tomatoes. "Pedri don't startle us like that," he said yelling at Pedri. He started to giggle and walked out. He leans slowly for another kiss as our lips meet once again I slightly open my mouth letting access for his tongue to slip in twirling around my tongue we pulled out gasping for air and hugged me tight "I'm never letting you go again it was too painful" he said I couldn't help but smile when he said that he's just too cute. I want him to ask me out already I mean we were like a couple already just nobody knew except Pedri and a few other close people. I went looking for Pedri so I could get my phone back and surprisingly I didn't get any messages from my mum and Mia but I did get a message from Jasmine.

Jasmine- hi how are you
-we haven't talked in ages
- please don't tell me you're fucking Gavi

Me-hi I'm good

Why the fuck did she care if I was or wasn't but I couldn't be bothered to start an argument over something silly. I scrolled down to see Mia.

Me- hey I'm sorry I left yesterday

Mia- don't worry Pedri told me what happened before you left with them

Thank god for that I felt so bad leaving her alone like that but I'm happy she understood what happened

Mia- so are u and Gavi ok now

Me- yeah we're ok now 😅

Mia- good to hear didn't want to see you upset anymore

Me- yeah lol
- I decided to forgive him
- I mean he was looking fucking cute when he woke up

Mia- smh
- if he ever hurts you again I will murder him

Me- 🤣

I love her so much that I wish I met her sooner. I went back to the room to see Gavi and Pedri playing FIFA "not to disturb you but can I borrow some clothes I said to Pedri. "Sure one second let me just finish" he stopped after hearing Gavi screaming " YEESS what a goal," gavi said. I could see Pedri rolling his eyes at Gavi. After the game was done he gave me a shirt and some joggers."Thanks Pedri and thanks for locking me in a room with Gavi". We both laughed. The clothes were a bit big on me but it didn't bother me too much.

I met up with Mia later that day and told her in detail of happened. " I still can't believe you forgave him but you guys look sooo adorable together," she said pushing me slightly to the right while laughing.

I got a notification from jasmine. Ugh, what does she want now? She probably wants to act concerned about me and Gavi. I opened her message.

Jasmine- heyy girl
-Guess what


Jasmine- I'm coming to Barcelona for two weeks to see you
-can't wait to meet your boyfriend as well he looks very cute I've seen so many edits on TikTok about him.

Me- really

Ugh, I felt my blood boil after reading the last message. I'm definitely not letting them two meet and why can't she just leave me alone?

Sorry ik, this was a boring chapter but the next chapter will be very juicy.

neighbours to lovers - Pablo Gavi Where stories live. Discover now