Chapter 14 - The Last Jedi

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"Cloaking our approach. We should be off their scopes." DJ says as he pilots the ship towards the First Order fleet. "Then we slice a slit in their shield. Blip bloppity bloop, and slip right through." He explains before they fly into the ship.

Rhys stares at DJ, having a bad feeling about the man.


"So a stormtrooper and a who now are doing what?" Holdo asks.

"They're trying to save us." Pandora tells her, rolling her eyes.

"This is our best chance for escape. You have to give Finn, Rhys, and Rose all the time that you can." Poe says, squeezing her hand.

"You have bet the survival of the Resistance on bad odds and put us all at risk. There's no time now. We have to get clear of the cruiser. Load the transports." Holdo replies. Pandora smiles, aiming her blaster at her.

"I was hoping I'd get to do this." She mutters. Poe chuckles and shakes his head as he joins her, the others too.

"Vice Admiral Holdo, I am relieving you of your command for the survival of this ship, its crew, and the Resistance." He says.

"I hope you understand what you're doing." Holdo answers.

"Yeah. We're heading to the bridge. If they move, stun them." He tells the others. He holsters his blaster and grabs Pandora's hand, pulling her with him as he moves to walk past Holdo.

"If you ever disregard my brother like that again, I won't hesitate to use this." Pandora threatens, holding up her blaster. Poe tugs on her hand and she continues walking, glaring at Holdo until they leave. 


Rhys tugs on his pants, trying to get more comfortable in his stolen First Order uniform. Finn slaps his hands and gives him a look telling him to knock it off. They continue down the hallway, BB-8 following behind the group with a trash can disguising him.

"I think I grabbed the wrong size. My ankles aren't even covered." He complains. Finn chuckles quietly, rolling his eyes.

"Maybe you should've spent less time checking me out while we changed." He replies.

"How could you have expected me to look away from that." Rhys says, gesturing towards his fiancé's body and face. "Gorgeous."

"You guys are seriously adorable, but can you quit it with the flirting? We're trying to save the Resistance." Rose interrupts. They both clear their throats and look away from each other.

"Right. You're totally right." He says.

"From now on, we're 100% focused on the mission." Finn adds.

The group continues walking through the ship, blending in with the others. They reach the room they need and rush towards the door.

"So, this is it. The tracker's right behind this door." Finn tells them. He guards the door with Rhys and Rose while DJ gets to work on the control panel. He uses Rose's necklace to open it.

"Haysian smelt. Best conductor." He says. He gives Rose back her necklace and Rhys pats her shoulder, giving DJ a small nod. "And you're welcome." He adds, waving them off. Rhys rolls his eyes, wishing he could strangle the man.

"Good time to figure out how we get back to the fleet?" Rose asks.

"I know where the nearest escape pods are." Finn answers. Rhys chuckles and kisses his cheek.

"Soon we'll be back with the others and Pandora will kill me for proposing when she wasn't around to witness it." He says. Finn rolls his eyes, knowing they've already been over this and that Pandora will be happy for them.

"BB-8, tell us something good." Poe's voice sounds from BB-8. He chirps back and shoots the comlink to Finn.

"Poe, we're almost there. Have the cruiser prepped for lightspeed." He tells him.

"We're on it, but hurry. But be careful." Pandora says.

She and Poe make it to the bridge, and he leads her and Lieutenant Connix through the others currently there.

"Clear the bridge, escort the officers down to the hangar." He orders.

"Commander...Captain Dameron, Admiral Holdo was looking for you." 3PO tells him.

"Yeah, we spoke." He replies, taking a seat. Pandora laughs, peeking over his shoulder as he begins taking control of the ship.

"Sir, I am almost afraid to ask." He says, standing on Poe's other side.

"Good instinct, 3PO. Go with that." He tells the droid.

"Poe, we got a problem." Pandora says, pointing to the screen showing Holdo and the others trying to stun each other.

"Seal that door!" Poe orders. Connix quickly does, glancing back at them for guidance.

"We're running out of time." Rose says. She stands on one side of the doorway, Finn on the other. Rhys stands in front of it, blocking DJ from view.

"Come on, how's it going?" Finn asks DJ.

"Almost there." He replies.

"3PO, where do you think you're going?" Pandora asks, stepping in front of him and raising an eyebrow.

"It would be quite against my programming to be party to a mutiny." He replies, moving towards the door.

"Hey!" Poe shouts.

"It is not correct protocol." He says, continuing towards the door. It sparks and he jumps back. "Oh! Neither is this!"

"Finn? We're ready to make the jump!" He tells them.

Finn peeks around the corner at DJ.

"Now or never." He says.

"Now." DJ tells him before the door opens.

"You're up." He tells Rose.

Poe jumps out of his chair and moves for cover behind it, pushing Pandora towards a different control panel with Connix. He wants her separate from himself, knowing he's likely the number one target. He points his blaster at the door, prepared to stun Holdo when she enters.

Rose leads the way across the walkway, Finn and Rhys right behind her. DJ follows a few feet behind them. As they near the control panel, a droid rolls into their way, blocking them.

Officers and stormtroopers surround them, aiming blasters at them. They're force DJ onto the ground before Phasma enters, staring straight at Finn.

"FN-2187. So good to have you back." She taunts. Rhys grabs Finn's hand and squeezes, hoping to offer some comfort.

"They didn't make it." Poe says.

"What?!" Pandora shouts, trying to move towards him. Connix grabs her and stops her as the door explodes, pulling her back behind cover.

They point their blasters at the door as dust obscures their vision. They lower their weapons as Leia enters the bridge.

"Leia." Poe and Pandora say, relieved. She sighs and joins him, slipping her hand into his.

Leia raises her blaster and fires, stunning both of them. Connix and 3PO raise their arms in surrender. She crosses the room and gestures for the medics to follow. They load the two up on stretchers and Leia stands between them.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart." She apologizes, cupping Pandora's face. She leans down and kisses her forehead before turning to Poe. She pats his cheek before gesturing for them to be taken away.

I'm hoping the format isn't messed up, but the parts near the end with gaps between them aren't time jumps, it's just switching between Rhys and Pandora POV with what's happening simultaneously.

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