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{Angst my love 🐢💅}

I sat on the hospital chair,that man sat next to me, he looked really worried, seeing him made me worry as well. My little mind couldn't help but wonder that was going on. Until a nurse showed up, she called that man in a corner, she was telling him something but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

"Where could nii-san be? Is he ok? Is mom ok?"

I was just thinking about them when he came and sat down, he was in shock, it made me worry.

I pulled on his shirt, wanting to know what happened. He didn't answer for awhile, until..


"D-dead? They are dead?"


"Muichiro.. Are you.. Oka.."


"You think someone will care about you? Caring for someone who can't even speak.."  My grandpa said to me, tears streaming down my face.

"Can't you stop crying for awhile, Yuichiro was way better than you.. You're useless" He said as he slammed the door shut, more tears came down my face as I laid down on my bed..Nii-san

Granpa.. My actual grandpa.. The one I live with was his twin brother, Grandpa Yoriichi. After my family's death I stayed with him for a few months.


"Yoriichi, take care of him, until I come back ok? I have to attend a meeting in a different city"

Those were the last words I ever heard from him, because his flight crashed, after that day I started staying with Grandpa. His pregnant wife had passed away while giving birth and the baby was really weak so it passed away with his wide as well. After that incident he refused to marry anyone. Though he was really nice to me.

He was way better than my other grandpa.


"Have this notebook, until we learn sign language we will have to use this notebook to talk" He said as he gave me a warm smile. I held the pencil in my hand and wrote something.

"Am I useless? Will someone ever care for me other than my family?" I showed it to him, his smile disappeared from his face as he hugged me.

"Someone will, don't worry Muichiro. Boy or a Girl, they will take care of you after me"

"Maybe.. Just maybe.. It may be him grandpa" I thought to myself, snapping back to reality.

"Muichiro are you ok? You have been hugging me for almost 5 minutes now, we need to go inside" It was Tanjiro, Should I say it right now?

I let go of him, hesitating before..

I point first "I" With my hands, I hesitated for a minute but then I continued.

"I like you Tanjiro, not as a friend, but more than just that. You are really kind and the first person after my brother who became my friend, you mean alot to me. It's ok if you don't, but please don't end this friendship with me" After I finished, I didn't have the balls to look up.

"Muichiro-kun I.. I like you too...I never actually thought about it so deeply but being around you makes me happy, special! And you are also really pretty- I SAID IT OH MY GOSHHHHHH"

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