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"This is actually delicious, I'm not lying"

'I'm happy you like it' I pointed while I continued to eat the cookies he had made, I had eaten breakfast so I wouldn't have to worry about my stomach hurting.

Tanjiro looked at his phone then he got up and said he had to go.

"Sorry but I gotta go Mui, thank you for the cold coffee!"

'What? But you just came! Can I come too?"

"I'm sorry but no- and I know I'm really sorry"

'But-' I got interrupted as he kissed me, he pulled away and said "You got your kiss, can I go now?"

I blushed as I slightly nodded, he smiled and kissed me again before he left. It got boring again, I decided I will just have to rely on my TV again. I decided I will just watch a few shorts on YouTube. I was scrolling through some when an ad came, it was an ad of Instagram.

I never had any social media other than YouTube if I'm honest, it's not like I wasn't allowed, I was allowed after the age of 15 but it just never crossed my mind.

'How bad can it be?'  I thought, finally I downloaded that app, I signed in and was given a few suggestions on who to follow. I just turned it off before switching on my TV.

I just put a picture of my dead dog as a pfp because who cares. {Muichiro-💀 btw his user is (NOT ACTUALLY-)}

I started watching death note and damn.. Light was kinda relatable. {What do you mean "relatable" 💀💀}

"And I eat the potato chip" Same same, I thought while I myself was eating potato chips.


I was again at kanao's place,teaching them sign language, Inosuke forgot everything but just remembered his name and other than him, all of them were actually paying attention and were interested in learning more.


I was on episode 8 when I remembered I had to go buy his gift. I quickly fixed my hair, wore some jeans and went to the mall. Yuh the mall- I was looking at different things, nothing seemed to grab my attention until something did, it was a set of scarfs. One had a mist like design on it and the other one had a green checkered on it. I liked it, I bought that for his gift until I noticed another thing, It was a plushy. It was an anime shop, I went inside while looking at a lot of things. There was this new anime released and it was called "Kimetsu no yaiba" Or "Demon Slayer"

There were a few plushies of the anime. One of them was the mist hashira and another one of the main character, who's name was also Tanjiro.

I took the one of the mist hashira Or whatever. 'You remind me of myself, we are both idiots, why would you hit him with tiny stones-?' {Bruh talking to himself}

"I'mma take you both home" , I thought grabbing them both, then another one fell. It was of the love hashira I think. "You wanna go with me too? Alright" I said picking her up and then another fell, it was a butterfly mosquito. "I'm not taking you" I said putting mosquito back before making my way to the counter.

"On second thought" I went and removed mosquito and took the mist hashira's twin brother's plushy.

"You remind me of Yuichiro, even your name is Yuichiro!" I thought to myself putting mosquito back and placing him on the counter too.

"That would be 450 yen each, which means 1800 yen in total" I paid for them and the cashier placed them in a plastic anime bag with a free poster. It was given when the purchase was above 1500 yen.

I went back home, placing the things I had bought. I took out the plushies and placed the three of them in different places in my room. I placed the Yuichiro one on my bed, the Tanjiro one on the desk and Mitsuri on my bookshelf and I let Muichiro be in his packaging. It was kinda weird calling it Muichiro since that was also my name. I would rather give him to Tanjiro as another birthday gift, well I did buy it for his gift because he seemed to like that guy when we were watching it together, but me on the other hand didn't like that guy honestly- {self hatred here I see}

I was starting to feel really sleepy so I just changed my clothes and laid on my bed, I hugged the Yuichiro one and fell asleep.

'I wish you were here, nii-san"


Days passed, Tanjiro wasn't really hanging out with me alot and that was getting annoying. Whenever I sat with the others, they all seemed very suspicious if I'm honest, like they all were hiding something from me. Whenever I pointed something, they looked like they understood what I was trying to say.

Like one time. I pointed "deez nuts"
And boar head burst into laugher like the fuck-

I didn't use sunshine to address tanjiro in public anymore and kept it private because he had asked me to do that for some reason. He said his sister knew sign language and was getting suspicious so I stopped. Just in private.

Soon it was 13th July, Tanjiro's birthday was tomorrow. {Fun fact: my mom's birthday is on 2nd July and after my brother told her, her birthday fell in the same month as Tanjiro's did. She said she would cosplay Tanjiro with me 💀💀 and I should be Nezuko because her birthday in December like mine was- my mom is really goofy sometimes}


I was sitting on my bed, reading a manga I had recently bought. It was a horror manga book which was named "No use escaping, Tomie" It was a bit creepy but cool. (I'm literally freaking out rn because it's 3 am and I'm writing this horror shit and remembering the manga myself)

My birthday was tomorrow, like every year, I was not excited about it. It's the same old birthday party and all I do is just turn even old.  {my phone's battery is on 17% rn💅😃}

I wonder if this year would be different, I wonder what Muichiro will get me for my birthday. Will the others come? Should I do a birthday party? Nah-  I will just see how it goes.

"3...2...1... HAPPY BIRTHDAY NII-SAN!"

{End of chapter 13}

{Eyyyyyyyyyyyy as usual,I will complete this in chapter 14-}

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