Ch-14 {draft}

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"3...2...1... HAPPY BIRTHDAY NII-SAN!" Nezuko yelled as all of my siblings wished me happy birthday, including my mom.

"Thank you! thank you everyone!"


Ok.. Ok..


I repeated it in my head, the words "Happy Birthday Sunshine" Until I pressed send when it hit 12 am. I wasn't expecting him to reply right away and I was also tired. I placed my phone back down on my bedstand, just when I was gonna sleep I heard a new message sound from my phone.

I smiled before picking it up, thinking it would be Tanjiro but it was an unknown number.

Unknown: Hello?

I was hesitate to reply back, who knows who this person might be and I'm pretty sure I haven't shared my number with anyone other than the friends group .

Unknown: This is Muichiro tokito right? Well I'm from your school so don't worry, but you will have something to worry about soon.

I felt my stomach drop, I got a bit scared from this but I kept my cool, this could be a prank from Inosuke haha! I'm sure it's just a prank..

Muichiro: You're just pranking me right? And Yeah what do you want? Who are you?"

Unknown: Well.. Aoi, I'm Aoi Kanzaki, from your friends group <3 and it's not a joke darling, you are dating that deaf boy right? The one my best friend Kanao likes? I saw you both so don't even think about lying. 

Muichiro: I don't know what you are talking about ans no I am not.

Aoi: Ok then, explain this.

She send me a photo of me and Tanjiro kissing somewhere and I knew I was fucked up, I wanted to keep this relationship a secret but, I was the reason why it happened, I was always the one being clingy and just, attention straved, I craved attention that I never got when I was younger.

Even though my grandpa tried his best to give me attention it was always just me sitting alone on my bed since I was 11, I was always lonely, school, home everywhere. It was always just me and when I started getting the attention I craved so much..

I snapped out my thought after I heard another message coming in.

Aoi: Excuse me mister, I don't have all night. Tell me what am I supposed to do with this information? Hmmm I wonder, maybe send it to Kanao? Yes I should do that"

Muichiro: No, don't do that please don't do that, I umm.. I don't know what do you want me to do? I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU WANT FROM ME GOD-

Aoi: Damn dude chill


Aoi: GOD- just- just do what I ask you to do nothing special, man it's hard even to blackmail someone now.

Muichiro: Like do your homework? Whatever I don't care

Aoi: Wow, look at that ego

Muichiro: You're one to talk

Aoi: You are getting on my nervous

Muichiro: And do I give a shit? No I don't

Aoi: I feel bad for that guy dating you

Muichiro: I feel bad for your parents

Aoi: At least I got parents

Muichiro: Well at least mine loved me

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