14: (All) Phobias

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Michael is scared of cockroaches. He would never admit this to anyone in a thousand years, but he just can't stand the creepy crawlies. He claims that he thinks their disgusting more than anything else, but screams like a 6 year-old if there's one in the house and can't force himself to get close to them. Elizabeth often uses this against him by collecting the insects from the street in glasses and leaving them places such as Michael's bed or down his shirt.

William has only two fears: Thanatophobia and Mycophobia, Aka, fear of dying and fear of fungus. The fear of death speaks for itself, but the mycophobia is a more difficult to deal with. On the plus side, the house is kept very clean. On the downside, he's scared of mushrooms and refuses to eat food after its 'best before', which is part of the reason he never eats at restaurants, because he can't see what the kitchen is like. This is not helped in the autumn, when Michael throws rotting leaves at him.

Clara has a crippling fear of heights and geese. Like, she can't even change a lightbulb without being terrifed. Once she went in the attic but got too scared to go back down the ladder, resulting in William having to carry her down like fireman. Geese just fucking terrify her. Their feet, their size, their mean faces and the terrifying way they honk scare the life out of her, especially when the things start flying. She got attacked by a flock of geese as a child and has been scared of them ever since.

Chris is scared of many things, but primarily the dark. Ever since he's started having nightmares, he's been terrified of the dark. Well, not so much the dark itself, but what's in it. The only thing that helps him get over this fear is by either sleeping with the lights on or sleeping with someone else, it's the only way he feels safe. He's also terrified of insects of any kind, but especially spiders, cockroaches and moths. Sometimes, Michael leaves his window open in the summer to let the Daddy Long Legs and mosquitoes in to scare him.

Elizabeth is scared of small spaces, which is why she has the biggest bedroom in the house, even larger than her parents, just so she feels comfortable. She can just about, maybe  deal with them if she knows that she can get out, but if she's trapped somewhere small, she almost immediately has a panic attack. Someone shut her in a locker once, and it traumatised her to such an extent that her family got involved, and eventually her parents and Michael bullied the family enough to force them to move out.

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