Chapter 2

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The drive to Copacabana was fun as we all knew the songs and were singing our hearts out.

Neither of them had singing skills but i didn't have the heart to tell them.

"Alright, were here." Thiago said. We all rushed out towards the beach.

We were now stood on the sand surrounded by crowds of people with no idea how to find the clue or if it was even here.

We were about to leave until Neymar spoke up.

"Wait guys come here!" He said running over to a lampost

"Oh my god how did you spot that" I said untying it.

"Im magic" He said shrugging like it was a usual thing. Thiago rolled his eyes and i read out the next clue.

"Oh how i love flowers. Thats all it says!!!!" I said

"What! Theres literally flowers everywhere you look" Thiago said with the same tone as me. I looked over at Neymar and he was clearly thinking.

"OMG light bulb moment" He said out of no where

"Please tell me you did not just say OMG" i replied

He ignored me and continued with his ' lightbulb moment'

"Jardim Botânico!" he screeched like a child.

Me and Thiago both gave each other a wide eyed look and we all started to run towards the car.

This time neymar had beat me to the front seat. "Muahah now i control the aux" He said rubbing his hands together.

"Says the one who was singing his lungs out to my songs" I said laughing.

"I was simply being supportive of your song choices nothing more" He said crossing his arms and looking back at me.

"Whatever, Lets gooooo!!!" I stuck my arm out in-front of me like superman.

"This song sucks" I said after sitting in silence when Neymar put his songs on.

"Agreed" Thiago said

"You're gonna make me cry" Neymar said wiping a fake tear.

He refused to turn of his music so me and Thiago continued to sit in silence until we got to Jardim Botânico.

We approached the sign which read:


On the top left of the sign there was a piece of paper flapping in the wind. As Thiago went to grab it i said

"We haven't seen any other teams, either we're way ahead or way behind"

"They're all probably on the first clue still" Neymar said which made me laugh. He smiled at me.

"Uhh Luana a little help" Thiago said staring at the paper. He moved so we could all see it.

félicitations vous avez bien fait dirigez-vous vers le christ rédempteur

"Is that french?" Neymar said with his mouth slightly open.

"Luana what does it say?" Thiago asked

"How woukd she kno-" Neymar started

"It says, Congratulations you've done well head to christ the redeemer." I said handing the note back to Thiago.

Neymar was staring at me confused.

"I can speak french" I smiled

"I noticed" He laughed and started to run to the car. I chased after him as i refused to let him control the music again.

Thiago was slightly behind us and he locked the car as he saw how we were scrambling to get in.

"Hey!!" We both said in unison practically scratching at the door.

"You're both children" He unlocked the door and stood to watch us fight to get in the front.

"Hah, beat that" I said slamming the front door

He slumped into the back. "Now now don't cry" I pouted at him and Thiago burst out laughing as he pulled away from the car park.

"Remind me to never talk to a Silva again" Neymar said

"You say that while talking to 2 Silvas" I said looking at him through the rear view mirror. I saw him smiling to himself.

~the girl from Ipanema~

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