Chapter 9

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Before i went back home i paid a visit to my mums house. Thiago had always been her favorite so all she wanted to talk about was him.

Im so proud of him! How is he? I'd love to see him!

Its pretty tiring sometimes and i don't know why i bother to change the conversation because it will always end up back on him.

I arrived home at about half 3 and collapsed onto my couch. Before i knew it my eyelids were slowly shutting causing me to drop my phone and fall asleep.


Someone was practically punching my doorbell as i woke up from my sleep. I dragged myself to the door and answered it.

"Ola my dear sister!" Thiago said bursting in with open arms. My heart dropped and i checked my phone.It was 6:30.

"Ummm have you been sleeping" He said

"Pft no way" I said not very convincingly. He shook his head in response and startled me with a clap.

"Right wheres all your food, plates and drinks" He said now rubbing his hands together. I showed him towards everything and he immediately started emptying my cupboards.

"So you're using my house and you're gonna rinse my cupboards of all my food" I said.

"No silly im just seeing what you have that i don't, be right back" He said. I continued to unstack all the plates and bowls.

Thiago came back with 2 bags full of food and drinks. "Wow" Is all i said.

We emptied crisps and sweets into separate trays and bowls. We laid the tables with different arrays of snacks and drinks.

"Wait pleaseee tell me you have a speaker" He said after looking like he had a lightbulb moment.

"I do, but i also have something even better" I said quickly scuttling away to a nearby cupboard. My brothers face lit up when i pulled out an LED disco ball.

"You're amazing" He said. "Oh i know" I plugged it in and set up the speaker.

It looked like it was going to be a high school party with a bunch of teenagers but no....a group of adult men.

It was soon 7 and people were going to start arriving. I went up to my room to relax before they invaded my house.

My eyes rolled as i heard a knock on my door. I was slowly walking down the stairs going to answer it but my brother had beat me to it.

In walking was Oscar, Bernard, David Luiz and Neymar. I gave a small greeting to each of them.

I noticed that Neymar was still wearing the bracelet i gave him. I smiled to myself and re-opened the door when i saw a car pulling up.

Just after the music started blasting, everyone was now here. A few of the guys had bought their partners.

The music was blasting and people were drinking. I was sat in the corner on a chair making sure no one was throwing up anywhere. Children.

I was disturbed by a voice in my ear "Olaaaaaaaa Luanaaaaa ooo ooooo" Neymar attempted to sing. I simply laughed.

"Are you drunk?" I questioned.

"Possivelmente" He replied in Portuguese. It means possibly.

"Oh were speaking in Portuguese now?" I said smirking.

"Possivelmente" He winked before he continued talking.

"Come danceeeeee"

"Not today sunshine" I said. He pouted at me and attempted to do puppy dog eyes, I knew he wouldn't leave me alone so I sighed and he pulled me by my wrist.

"Woahh slow down there amigo" I said before he spun me around to the music. He started to rhythmically dance which caused me to also sway to the music.

We were both laughing and dancing until the song ended. I was out of breath and went over to sit on the stairs.

"You're good fun melhor amigo" He said. It means best friend.

"Ohh so were best friends now? I didn't agree to that" I said.

He pretended to wipe a tear from under his eye. "Im jooookingggggg" I said.

"Of course you are best friend" He said while slumping his arm around my shoulder. I froze up but relaxed and placed my head on his shoulder.

He placed his on mine and we stayed like that until drinks were running low and people were leaving.

"Ive gotta goooooo" He said pointing to the door visibly still drunk.

"And how are you gonna goooooooo" I said copying his tone and action.

"I dont knowwwwww. Ill call a cab" He said pulling out his phone but struggling to open it. I sighed before telling him he could stay in my guest room.

Luckily everyone else had a safe way of getting home including my brother. Mummy silva came and saved her baby boy from her evil daughters house.

I must admit i had a couple drinks so thats why i couldn't drive Neymar. I lead him to the guest room and he fell onto the bed.

I assumed he was going to sleep immediately so i covered him up and went downstairs.

Like i thought, a mess. I was super tired so all i did was clear away all the rubbish and cleared the tables. I left the rest for tomorrow.

I was gonna sit on my phone for a minute until i heard a groan from upstairs. "Luanaaaaaaaa" I sighed and headed towards it.

~the girl from Ipanema~

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