Chapter 2

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"Clawmates?" She asked in a questioning tone.

"The dragons your sharing a cave with," Fatespeaker said brightly.

Well mother said it would be fine, but sharing a cave with other dragons... no, she shook those thoughts away and smiled again.

"Ooh, here comes another nightwing!" Fatespeaker cried. "Want to stick around and meet them?"

"No thank you," Peak said sweetly. She walked slowly into the cave before heading to the second tunnel on the left. She looked around taking in all the details. As she turned into it she heard more voices, probably from Fatespeaker and the other Nightwing. The princess looked back around the corner and saw the same small frightened Nightwing she had spotted under a tree outside.

No, I definitely didn't really want to meet her now Peak thought.

"Fifth cave on the right," Peak whispered to herself, moving on, a few dragonets gawking at her because between all her jewel embedments and her royal like posture it was rather obvious she was royalty. Her wings and tail scraped the wall as she moved to the side for other dragons. The tunnel wound in a curving shape, like a slithering rainwing tail, down into the mountain. Overhead, grass-green and butterfly-blue and hibiscus-yellow glass globes hung from a wire strung along the ceiling, each of them flowing with fire so the walls were lit with color. It didn't feel too much like she was going underground, but her wings being scraped and the lack of wind made it clear it was.

She had honestly been picturing dark grey tunnels and cramped stone caves, but now that she thought about it, she realised Sunny wouldn't have wanted the school to be anything like the gloomy caves under the mountain where the prophecy dragonets grew up. She had met Sunny once, she was nice but way too cheerful, and hot.

Soon the tunnel straightened out though and Princess Peak could see small cave openings all along either side. This must be the corridor of sleeping caves Peak could hear that some of them had two or three dragonets inside already. Each cave she passed seemed to be bristling with chatter and wings and claws and spikes.

Mother said they have a library. Peak remembered as she walked along.

She could tell some of the dragonets she passed didn't look too happy as she passed.

She also observed the expressions some held, she could certainly see most of the sandwing were thinking about how cold it was.

The princess fixed her gaze on the fifth cave. She moved around a pair of SandWings who were taking up most of the tunnel, and she caught the gaze of one of them, staring at the skywing dragonets with obsidian-black eyes.

Can he look away already? Peak though with irritation in her eyes. She could tell he was trying to read her so she bared her teeth at him, she was in a bad mood and he wasn't helping. Finally She thought as he looked back at the other sandwing, that's right look at your little friend and leave me alone, her thoughts snapped.

She finally made it to her sleeping cave which had a few stalactites hanging over the doorway like jagged teeth. Peak ducked inside and found more fire-lit glass globes strung across the ceiling in here: one pale-orange, one a fiery-red gold, and one yellow. One more globe, unlit, rested on ledge on one side of the door, and there were 2 more at the skywings level on the far side of the cave. She picked one up breathed a small flame onto the candles inside to set it alight, afterwards she used it to survey the space in mild intrest.

It was nicer than she'd expected, she supposed. The doorway made up one wall, and a sleeping spot had been arranged along each of the other three walls. One of these was a bare rock ledge, another was a pile of rainforest leaves and mosses, and the third wall was a woven green hammock ingeniously suspended from the roof.

Princess Peak didn't hesitated to choose her bed. She could tell they had been deliberately designed with different dragons in mind. She knew which one she wanted, so that would be hers. And if it wasn't the other dragonet could stick a stalactite up their nose.

She headed straight for the plain rock ledge and put her chest in a large crack in the wall just above the ledge.

She looked back at the cave and noticed that there were also five small mahogany scroll racks arranged around the cave, about the height of her foreleg, each polished until they were as smooth an Icewings white scales.

Okay that's it for this chapter, I'm not going to keep asking for feedback in these a/ns but I might every once and a while. Love y'all

- Issie

{Word Count: 795 Words}

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