Chapter 7

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                                                                          𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕

After a rather long and useless chat was Stonemover, who turned out to really be an annoying old fossil by the way, me and Moon went back to our cave. I was ahead of Moon as I hurried back, I wanted to be in the best mood possible tomorrow when I meet my Winglet and that wouldn't happen with no sleep. She sighed drowsily, closing her eyes for a moment, then reopening them as she spoke. "Ok. Well I'll see you in the morning Moon, Let's get some sleep so we're not the the chickens in the prey Center tomorrow. Thank you for letting me come." I yawned and I caught Moon smiling slightly.

"Of course" Moon whispered. "Good night." She added. And with that, I laid down back on my nice hard bed of stone, plopping down and almost instantly falling asleep. Moon was sitting down on her moss bed when I quickly slipped into a dreamless sleep.


                                                   𝐏𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐬 𝐏𝐎𝐕           

"IT'S MORNING!" Kinkajou yelled in a singsong voice, pouncing on my sensitive tail.

Ouch. "Isn't that WONDERFUL?"

I blink hazily at the RainWing, who was now more pink than yellow but altogether still too bright She felt as if she'd only just fallen back to sleep from her walk last night. I saw Moon get up and yawn, stretching her midnight black wings with silver splatters of scales to their full length, nearly whacking Kinkajou in the snout.

"It is the opposite of wonderful," I observed with a sigh. I fling my large wings over her head for a moment to take a breath, I was always a little nervous whenever I'm meeting someone new. Or a few someone's in this case.

"We get to meet our winglet today!" Kinkajou cried. "Isn't that exciting?" She walked over to Moon and nudged Moon's tail with her own and then plunked herself down on the moss beside her, looking so exited and delighted that I felt rather contagiously uplifted by it.

"What does that mean, our winglet?" Moon asked, and her face added, 'So perhaps I can fall back asleep while you're explaining'. I had to stifle a snort at how easy it was to read her expressions. 

"Oh, it's the best idea," Kinkajou said missing Moons slight sarcasm. "I mean, all right, I was a little worried about it at first because I was, like, ACK that means I'll have to make friends with a NIGHTWING, but now that I know it's you and your fine! There's nothing more to worry about, because you're totally great and not in the business of kidnapping or experimenting on dragons after all. Right?" She poked Moon's shoulder.

"Right," Moon agreed. "What?" I couldn't take that, I burst out laughing quietly as I began putting on my jewellery. I didn't even hesitate as I put light jewellery on. I didn't want to put too much on so that I couldn't walk! I glanced back at the other two dragons as they started talking again. "We've been organised into five winglets - get it? It's not a whole wing of dragons, just a smaller group, so, a winglet. Five groups of seven dragonets, with one dragon from each tribe, of course. We're in the Jade Winglet; my friend Tamarin is in the Gold Winglet. The idea is that we'll work with the other six dragonets and get to be friends with them and then we'll totally understand all the tribes and nobody will ever want to go to war ever again. It's brilliant, I love it. I can't wait to meet our SeaWing, they sound so weird. Let's go, let's go, let's go!"

Kinkajou seized Moon's tail and tried to drag her to the door.

"All right, I'm coming," Moon protested, as I watched her wriggle free. She rubbed her eyes as Kinkajou bounced ahead to the door. I realised they were leaving and walked out a moment later.

I glanced at Moon just as she gave a horrible jolt, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but waved it off as her being weird.

Moon also shivered from wings to tail as I watched her subconsciously. I shook my head and kept my head high, my wings clearing a path as I walked along. I noticed my winglet had stopped just outside the cave as I heard Moon say "I have to go to the library," "I need to find out more about dreamvisitors" She added under her breath as me and Kinkajou both frowned slightly. I was in a very good mood this morning from a letter my mother had sent that I found under my ledge. 

As I thought about the letter, Kinkajou said, "You can't go to the library now."

She held up one of the little boards with a message chalked on it. "We have our first class with our winglet this morning."

The sound of the bronze metal gong being struck reverberated through the halls - BONG! BONG! BONG! - three times.

"That's the first warning," Kinkajou said. "Come on, Moon, Stop worrying!" She grabbed a scroll from one of the racks by the door and threw it at Moons head. "We have to figure out where our meeting cave is."

I stalked a few steps back to them before unfolded my wings with a majestic grin and continuing to flow towards them like a wrathful waterfall. I slapped Moon with my wings getting their attention and stalking back past Kinkajou and Moon without a word and turning left, clearing a path through the milling dragonets when they saw I was the princess.

"Does that mean she knows where we're going?" I heard Kinkajou ask Moon.

I expect that she answered with a confused shrug.

"Well, one way to find out!" I heard Kinkajou exclaim before she came bounding after me.

I saw Moon hesitating. I could tell she didn't want to be late for her very first class, although getting to the library to research whatever it was she was so desperate to know seemed more important to her. I watched her expression for another moment before turning back, I knew the way to where we were meant to go, I had found out yesterday.

In my peripheral I saw Moon reluctantly begin to follow me and  Kinkajou, keeping her head down to avoid the looks from the dragons around her. I glanced around seeing a few dragons who recognised us definitely remembered the scene from the prey center . I turned around another corner coming out by the art cave before letting myself remember where to go before continuing. 

I went through the Great Hall - where Fatespeaker was sitting proudly with a mallet next to the bronze gong - and chose a tunnel on the opposite side, slanting up. To my surprise, this passageway was lined with plants: some with pale green heart-shaped leaves growing out of cracks in the rock, others with vigorous bundles of dark purple leaves, sprouting from small pots of dirt. I didn't remember them being her last time.

Green vines covered the ceiling, winding around the green and yellow globe lights, with long blue flowers hanging down like dragon tails. A rivulet of silvery water trickled down the center of the tunnel, carving a small groove in the stone.

As we went higher, the air felt more damp, until finally they ended up in a cave swarming with vines that was open to the sky on one side. Water cascaded down the back wall like a moving, bubbling tapestry, pouring into a small pool that fed into the stream in the tunnel.

Tsunami sat on the ledge with the morning sun shining behind her, grinning at us as we came in. Her royal blue scales looked as if they were made of melted sky.

Okay, end of that chapter, I promise I'll try and make the chapters longer after this. Also I will not be updating as much as school is being very annoying and I have lots of after school things. Also, we're finally meeting the winglet! Yay! 😁 

- Issy

{Word Count: 1324 Words}

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐤𝐲𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐢𝐫 - 𝐐𝐢𝐛𝐥𝐢 𝐱 𝐎𝐜Where stories live. Discover now