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This one-shot is inspired by Yua_Hamato_2012

Summery: Donnie accidentally made mikey immortal with one of his experiments and only he and mikey know

Mikeys pov

"Donniiiiiiiiii let me innnn" I say sitting at the door of his lab he never let's me go in cause he thinks ill mess up something but most of the time he's the one exploding stuff anyways "fine mikey just be careful", "no problemo dude" I said walking in and sitting on a large red bean bag we use to all share as kids 'so that's where it went-' my thoughts cut of by my brother screaming "GET DOWN" instead of getting down ofc I stand there like a deer in head lights until a large sharp pain went into my head "ow dude what was that" I say coughing up some of the smoke I inhaled. He didn't answer just started at me in horror "mikey..." he said walking towards me with a mirror turns out I have a large piece of glass loged into my head "dude what the SHELL" I say screaming "shshshs it's ok mikey I can remove are you even alive" he whispered that end part.

After he removed it he took a blood sample and tried to hear my heart beat but..."You don't have one...." he said eyes filled with fear "you don't have a heart beat Mikey" he said trying multiple times "so you saying I'm a zombie!" I said with a big smile, he rolled his eyes and began looking the the liquids and stuff that exploded "technical yes you are....immortal" my smile slowly turns into a frown "can you fix it?" I said quietly he gave me a look of understanding and gave me a reassuring smile "of course mikey I'll see what I can do"

A few weeks went by and I was still immortal I guess a good side of it was that I couldn't really feel pain all that much making it real easier to fight, speaking of fight me and Donnie are arguing right now "god mikey how many times have I told you not to steal my books for your weird paper folding thing" he said huffing grabbing his books from the kitchen "it's called origami plus those books are lame anyway" I said giving him a raspberry "mikey I gonna!" Donnie said as he started tackling me "I wish I could stab you you make me so mad!" I look up at him and smirked remembering that I was immortal "do it" I say chuckling, he being still mad he grabbed a knife and stabed me threw the neck as he did I started laughing at the sensation and so did he but I was cut of by my 2 other brothers right behind Donnie who was still laughing "DONNIE!" He then got of me knife in hand with my blood "uh...hay guys" he said chuckling a little "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU" leo screamed running towards me as raph tackled Donnie "wait!" I say spitting out a little blood "im ok let us explain" they bothe just stood in shock as I got up pushing past leo to help Donnie "I hate you" he said glaring at me "na you love me"

In the lab we bothe explained how I was still alive "this is crazy i..I thought Donnie killed you" leo said with a hand on his head "sorry for tackling you.." raph said "it's ok raph I totally understand" he smiled at raph then turned to me "I got a cure if you want it now mikey" I ran towards him and chugged the bottle but the a intense flash of pain was going threw out my entire body "yea all the extreme injuries you got and didn't feel you will now feel" Donnie said lifting me onto the bed and giving me ibuprofen.


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