dammit mikey

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This was a suggestion from 423160m !

Summery: after a tough patrol night every one kinda gets on mikey. Raph said some things he shouldn't have now mikeys in the sewers meeting....himself?

Mikeys pov

It was silent as we walked to the lair with me slowly trailing back from my brothers. I knew I was gonna eat shit once we arrived and I was even scared to go back a little but as we got to the entrance all my brothers stop "Michelangelo you know what you did was completely unacceptable your behavior and your little understanding in all this is ridiculous!" Now leo was getting smart and using big words? come on splinter already gets on a nerve once in a while "honestly mikey sometimes I think your doing it on purpose" so now Donnie doesn't trust me?! is that what he's saying?

Tonight's patrol wasn't even that bad because of me! Sure I was talking a bit but there's just to much going on in my head, it filles up and I gotta let it out "I want to know why your so different" wow that's definitely wasn't nice "i...don't know leo" and I wish I did. I wish I did so badly "ya are such a screw up! I don't know what that shell is wrong with ya the mutinage musta messed up something, what are you even good for" raph, I love raph so much but I'm not sure if he would ever say the same.

"Mik-" befor leo could utter another hurtful word "NO" I yelled with all the anger I had inside and ran with all the guilt down the sewers. Shaking I realized I had no idea where I was, I was lost and my brothers wouldn't bother finding me not like I would want them to anyways I wish I could apologize to my family why I was like this but it's so hard to explain "hello~" I hear and wip my head around to find the voice...nothing and no one I was alone all alone "and thats how it should be" I turn to see my shadow but it wasn't realy mine more like a mist of darkness "who are you" I say putting on my big boy voice "you"

"NO your not" I say as the shadow grows larger "well sure I am!" The husk speaks "what's my favorite pizza?" Only I would know that duh "you don't even like pizza that much your just to scared to try anything else" the more he spoke the more I thought about it, I mean he's- well im kinda right I mean I don't even know everything about myself so it's probably true "ok me why are you here?" I say stepping closer to the shrinking shadow "I want to keep you safe" a bit puzzled I asked "from who" quickly checking my surroundings "you brothers silly" I was speechless "see you know they would hurt you if you stepped a little to far" no no no my brothers would protect me and they love me "and it's EXHAUSTING" the echo of the voice is loud really loud and I look up so see a obsidian black monster with tentucals oh shi-.

I say as one grabs me by the leg swinging me like a rag doll onto the floor that's def gonna leave a mark. Running from this thing it starts throwing stuff at me a large rock hits the back of my neck really hard "GAH" yelped falling to the floor as a sharp black spine comeing towards me before I get hit I found a box of matches they where wet but hopefully they worked I grabbed one scraped it didn't light the heat of the moment was tense causing them to spill. Grab one scrape, grab one scrap, grab scrape, grab scrape, it was comeing closer grab scrape, grab scrape, grab








throwing the Mach at the tentucals it lights on fire causing the monster to give out a distorted screach in the mix of the fire, a top of a large metal trash can lit up, I grab it as it burns my fingers and run for my life. The husk puts its self out and is now chasing after me as I find my way to the lair.

I see leo thank god wait...leo, raph, and Donni oh no "MOVE" they definitely weren't moving I turn toward the angry husk heading full speed ahead at me I hold up the burning shelled as the monster screames as it melts itself not bring able to stop fire seeping threw the corners of the lid burning me as black liquid splashes. It was dead, I was tired I couldn't make out a word of my screaming brothers as I pass out.

Waking up in the lab was scary I was still a little shoked but I was a little more scared of my brothers "Mikey omg I'm so glad you're ok!" Donnie jumped up hugging me then running to the door "Guys he's up!" He yells as my brothers run in "mikey pls don't do that again" leo hugs and raph was silent but pulled me into a tight hug "I'm sorry" I say silently "sorry? Sorry for what?" That was it "IM SORRY IM SUCH A SCREW UP, IM SORRY BEING YOUR BROTHER IS EXHAUSTING AND IM SORRY YOU CAN'T LOVE ME" I snapped forcing my self to get up ripping off bandages "AND IM SORRY YOU HAVE TO WASTE SUPPLIES ON ME IM SORRY IM HERE I....I......i" I start bursting into tears and now I'm not breathing right.

"Mikey no no we love you SO much" leo pulls me into a hug "I'm so sorry I yelled at you I just-" he was cut off by raph oh raphie "mikey I love yo so much and.....and when I yell at you it's never cause I'm mad, it's cause I'm scared I'm scared that I won't know how to help you shell I don't now and I know it's not your fault and I'm scared when the day comes that you have to protect yourself...when I have to protect you I won't know what to do you won't know what to do cause I don't know how to help you and it's not your fault" wow that's was beautiful got dammit raph that just made me cry harder into my brothers arms.

"Let's order pizza" Donni suggested after a while of crying "I don't like pizza"








the end I had a lot of fun making this

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