Aղԃ ιղ Ɓҽƭwҽҽղ Ƭɦҽ Ɓɾσƙҽղ Ƭɾҽҽʂ, Ӏ WιƖƖ ƁҽƖιҽⱱҽ Ӏ Aɱ Ƒσʋղԃ

58 3 3

TW// injuries, being shot mention, war & death mentions, sl@very mention

Ranboo's POV

I woke up with my head pounding. It took me a few moments to remember where I was and what happened. I sat more up straight from where I was leaned against a tree and popped my back before standing.

My ankle was absolutely killing me and my arm was now hurting some.

I continued to walk in the direction I was walking in the day prior. I still had a very obvious limp.

I walked for an hour or so when before I spotted a small pond. I looked in the water, seeing that my two green eyes were now one green and one red. Looked pretty cool, actually.


I shot my head over, seeing a cat. I hadn't seen one since before I died. It was a very dark brown (almost black) and it had dark orange stripes. It's feet, tip of its tail, and it's nose/mouth area was all that orange color too. I think it was a girl too.

(My gma's neighbors cat looks like that. It is the sweetest cat ever. Every time I'm at my gma's house, if I'm outside, it comes over and rubs all over my leg while constantly meowing. It's so sweet, and I'm the only person it does that to.)

"Hello, there." I smiled. She meowed loudly, rubbing against my leg hard, nearly pushing me over. "What your name, pretty kitty?" I asked. She obviously didn't reply. I knew she wouldn't. "I'll call you..." I thought for a moment. "Kat."

I knew that sounded exactly like 'cat,' and that was the whole point. Only her name isn't 'cat,' it's 'Kat.'

It began to walk away, so I followed. She went down a hill, and when I followed down said hill, I saw a town. It was pretty decently sized.

"Kat, I haven't seen a human in years!" I spoke to the cat, knowing she wouldn't reply. "It's not like I can talk to anyone! Or- Or go to a shop! I have nothing."

The two of us kept walking and I was eventually on a street, so I slid on my mask just incase. People looked at me weirdly as I limped my way around.

I looked up ahead, seeing Kat sitting on the back of a bench. I was about to go that way to sit down but I felt a hand on my back and heard a voice.

"Hey, mate, are you alright there?" A man's voice asked. I looked over, seeing a man in his mid thirties with blonde hair and green eyes. "You've got a bad limp, are you hurt?" He asked.

I hadn't had a human interaction in so long. I didn't know what to say, so I just looked at him. He looked worried.

"Here, come sit down." He led me over to the beach and sat me down. Kat jumped into my lap. "Is this your cat?" He asked. I slowly nodded. "What's her name?"

I hesitated to answer.


"You named your cat...cat?" He asked. I looked up at him. "Kat with a K." I said. He nodded.

"Where do you live? I can take you home. Or I can take you to the clinic and we can call your parents from there. How old are you?" He asked.

I had to think for a moment. Time as different here than how it was in the heavens. One day in the heavens is a month here, so I tried ti quickly figure out what year it was, but I'm no good at math.

"I'm uh, seventeen." I said. "I have a son who's your age! So you were born in 2006?" He asked. I nodded.

I was actually born near the mid 1800's, and died when I was seventeen in 1863. I died fighting in the Civil War. I didn't want to fight, but I had to. A bullet to the gut is a slow and bad way to go.

Now that I thought about it, if over a hundred years had passed, I guess the war was over, right? I wonder who won. I hoped slavery wasn't still a thing. I always hated that shit.

"Hey, you ok, kid?" The man lightly shook my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts. I nodded. "Yes, thank you." I said, barely audible.

"Where do you live? Who are your parents?" He asked. "I live...nowhere? My parents are gone." I replied. I guessed they were dead since they'd be almost two hundred I'd they were still alive, and people don't live that long.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Would you like to come home with me?" He asked. "You...wouldn't mind?" I asked. I didn't want to turn down his offer, because I really needed a place to stay. "Of course not! You're just a kid, after all. You need a home." He said.

"Can...Can Kat come?" I asked. "Sure, why not." He stood up.

He reached for my hand to pull me to my feet. As I stood, Kat jumped from my lap,onto the ground and walked next to me.

"We'll take care of your ankle when we get home." He said. "And my arm too?" I asked. He looked over, now noticing how limp my arm was. "Yes, your arm too."

We walked for a minute in silence.

"It's awful hot out, don't you want to take off that mask and hoodie?" He asked. I shook my head. "No, I'm ok." I said.

I was absolutely burning up, though.

"My name is Phil."


After some time, we had left the town and was walking down a dirt path in the woods. We reached a small home, and went inside.

"Boys, I'm back! We have a visitor!"

Words: 975

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