Ƈσʋղƭιղɠ Ƭσ Ƭҽղ, Aɠαιղ Aղԃ Aɠαιղ

78 6 8

TW// cussing, crying, talk of death, war mentions, murder mentions, talk of blood, yelling, arguing?, talk of family death, talk of intrusive thoughts (in a funny way), pain? Idk

Ranboo's POV

I walked for a long time before I made it back. In all honesty, I didn't remember exactly where I was going, so I was surprised when I actually got here and spotted that box that had my hoodie and beanie and mask in it.

I saw a paper nailed to a tree. I went over and read it.

Dearest Ranboo,
I hope you actually came here. I will be with you soon.
We need to talk. It's regarding your health and your spot back in the heavens.

I sighed and sat down at the bottom of the tree. I was so cold, I wished I was back home wrapped in a blanket, even though they didn't do anything to help my warmth.

I sat there, and I sat there, and I sat there. Nothing happened. Zeus never showed. A good half hour had probably passed. I stood back up and started to pace.

"Where are you, man? It's cold, I wanna go home!" I said. "Well, it's probably not cold. I'm just sick." I added.

There was a gust of wind that got caught in my wings, nearly pushing me over.

"What, now you're trying to make me fall? Real funny, Zeus! Real fucking funny!" I yelled up at the sky. "I get it! I fucked up my job! I know you're mad, but why did you drag me out here?" I asked.


I looked back at the letter that was no longer on the tree, but in my hands.

"Dearest Ranboo? Dearest? The fuck does that mean?" I asked. "And what do you mean we need to talk regarding my health and my spot in the heavens? You banished me! I don't have a spot anymore!"

I heard a twig break behind me. I turned around but didn't see anything nor did I hear anything else. I exhaled.

I picked up a fallen, thin branch and twirled it in my fingers to pass time.

"I'll be waiting, boss man! Just take your damn time! I have all the time in the world! Not like I have a new family and a cat back home that'll flip when they see I'm gone!" I said sarcastically.

"Family?" A voice asked. I turned around, seeing the big man himself, Zeus. I exhaled. "About time you showed." I said. "No, no, family?" He asked again. "Uh, yeah." I said. "Your family died a hundred years ago. You don't have a family."

I blinked a few times at him.

"First of all, ouch. Second, nice to see you too, dickhead." I sarcastically smiled. "I know my family is dead. Am I not allowed to have a family at all now?" I asked.

He sighed.

"Never mind that. I called you here so I can take you back."

Tubbo's POV

We stood still as we waited to hear the voice again that we had just heard a second ago.

"Well, it's probably not cold. I'm just sick." Ranboo's voice said.

I walked a little farther and saw Ranboo standing in a clearing, the rest followed behind me. Ranboo's wings were out and lying beautifully behind him.

"What the fuck..?" I heard Phil say.

There was a gust of wind that got caught in Ranboo's wings, nearly pushing them over.

"What, now you're trying to make me fall? Real funny, Zeus! Real fucking funny!" Ranboo yelled up at the sky. "I get it! I fucked up my job! I know you're mad, but why did you drag me out here?"

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