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55 1 4

TW// war, explosion, gun, death, dead body mention, panicking, blood

Ranboo's POV

I woke up and I was not in the room that Phil had let me stay in. I was in a large field surrounded with dead bodies and injured people and smoke and gunfire.

"Ranboo, son, don't stand there!" A man yelled at me. I just stared at the long rifle in my hands. I had already killed so many people, I couldn't kill more. But this was for my country. It's my purpose. But I just couldn't.

A loud, nearby explosion rang through my ears. The sake made me fall to the ground. My ears rang and that's all I could hear.

Someone shook me and pulled me to my feet.

"Get up, soldier!" My friend Tobias yelled.

Everything else was a blur that I couldn't remember. But I felt a pain in my gut as it started to leak blood. I fell to my side and Tobias tried to get me back up.

"You'll be fine, man! We'll get you back to med base, just hang in there!" He yelled over the explosions and gunfire and yells. I was done though, I didn't wanna 'hang in there.' I just wanted to cry, and then die.

"Win this for me, ok, Toby?" I said. I could see his tears through my own.

"Ranboo! Ranboo!"

I jolted up, looking around, seeing I was back in Phil's home. I was shaking severely and not breathing good.

"Hey! Hey, Ranboo!" Phil's voice said. I looked up, seeing him through blurry tears. I quickly reached up to feel my face, feeling my mask. I had thankfully forgotten to take it off before going to sleep. My beanie was gone, so I hoped he didn't see my horns from how dark it was.

Kat was sitting up looking at me.

"You're ok, I haven't seen your face. Are you ok?" Phil asked. I nodded, calming myself. "Would you like to talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head. "That's ok. If you do later on, we can." "T-Thank- Thank you." I replied.

Phil's POV

After a bit longer I left Ranboo's room so they could go back to sleep.

"Is he ok?" Tommy asked. I nodded. "Just a real bad nightmare." I smiled. He nodded.

Tommy had heard Ranboo crying so he came and woke me so I could check if Ranboo was ok. Tommy said Ranboo sounded like they were in pain, so Tommy was a little afraid to check on them hisself.

"You go back to bed. It's..." I looked over at the clock, "It's only four in the morning." Tommy nodded and turned back to his bedroom.

I then went back to my own room.

Words: 460

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