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TW// talk of spiritual beliefs?

Ranboo's POV

I was filling Kat's food dish after I had set them up in the kitchen when I head noise coming from the sitting room. I walked in, seeing that shiny black box lit up with moving people and things going across it.

"What's with that face? You look like you've never seen a television before." Wilbur chuckled.

That's because I hadn't seen a 'television' before. They must have been invented after I died.

Techno just looked at me strangely, probably wondering why I had the look on my face as well.

"What're you watching?" Tommy asked as he walked into the room. "Some thing on mythical creatures and Greek mythology and stuff." Techno replied. "I dunno. It was just on when I turned on the TV."

"Ranboo looks like they know about Greek mythology and stuff." Tommy said. "I do?" I asked. "Yeah, you just give that vibe like you're a big mythology geek." I nodded. I mean, I kind of am, because I've literally been by Zeus's side, and I was Cupid.

"This section of the show is about fallen angels." Wilbur said, motioning to the 'television' box thing.

Now, I know quiet a bit about fallen angles, as I am one.

The television thing played for a few minutes, talking about fallen angels and how angels fall and stuff. Most of it was right, but not all of it. Them near the end, the words 'review' popped up.

Question 1/5
How do angels fall?

The questions were simple and the answers were obvious.

Question 4/5
When an Angel falls, what color do its wings change to?
A. Black
B. Stay white
C. Red
D. Black and white

"Is it black? The video didn't talk about this." Tommy said. "I think it's red." Techno replied. "It's black and white." I said.

Correct answer:
A. Black

"Ha! I'm so smart!" Tommy pumped his fists into the air. I made a face at the screen. "That's not right." I mumbled to myself. "Huh?" Tommy questioned. "Nothing." I said.

Final question:
Question 5/5
Who rules over the heavens?
A. God
B. Zeus
C. Heaven isn't real
D. Poseidon

"Isn't it technically supposed to be god? Like, if it was actually real?" Tommy asked. "I think so." Techno replied. "It's Zeus." I said.

Correct answer:
A. God

I scoffed. That's stupid, it's Zeus.

"Awww, is Ranboo's angry that they got it wrongggg?" Tommy asked, sticking out his bottom lip. "I didn't. It is Zeus." I said. "And you're right...how?" Tommy asked. I exhaled, not answering him.

Suddenly, Kat jumped up onto my lap, making me jump.

"Zeus have mercy, you scared me!" I said. She meowed in reply.

Then Phil walked in.

"What're you three doing?" He asked. "Watching a segment on mythology and then taking a trivia thing." Techno replied. "Where's Wil?" Phil asked. "I think he's out with Sally again." Tommy fake gagged. "Shush, your just mad that your brother has a girl and you don't."

Tommy scoffed.

"I mean, it's true." Techno laughed.

"Ranboooo, they're being meannnnn!" Tommy said to me. "What do you want me to do?" I asked. "Tell them to stopppppp!" "I'm not gonna tell them what they can and can't do when this is only my second day here." I said.

After that, it was quiet. A weird quiet. Not uncomfortable but not very comfortable either. The silence was broken just every one in a while when Kat meowed when I stopped petting her for half a second.

Words: 595

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