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55 1 3

TW// cussing, war mention, reincarnation, slavery mention, some crying

Ranboo's POV
a week later

The next time I woke up, I was awoken so something at my back. I quickly sat up once I realized what it was. It was Kat licking my wings. I must've scared her when I sat up because she ran off the bed very fast.

"I know you're a cat and that cats eat birds but you can't taste test on me. I'm not even a bird." I said. She meowed loudly. "You don't know that, of course. All you know is I have wings like one." I exhaled, standing up.

I grabbed some clothes and put them on, then put my beanie on top of my head, made sure my mask was on good, and left my room with Kat following on my heels. I stretched my arm. It had healed a few days ago, but it was still a little sore every now and then.

"Hey, Ranboo." Phil waved. I wordlessly waved back and went into the sitting room. Techno and Tommy were in there. "Hey." I exhaled, plopping onto the sofa. "What happened last night?" Tommy asked. I bit the inside of my cheek. "Just- an uh, night terror." I said.

"You get those often?" Techno asked. "Occasionally." I lied. I'd never had a flashback like that, or at all. I guess they weren't really a thing in the heavens and I'm only now having them since I'm back on earth.

"I was gonna go hang out with my mate today. You wanna come?" Tommy asked. "I wouldn't wanna get in you twos way." I replied. "Nah, man, I don't care! When was the last time you touched grass?" I shrugged. "Yeah, you're coming with."

Time skip

I was zoned out on the sofa with Kat sleeping in my lap.

"Ranboo!" Tommy suddenly yelled, making me and Kat both jump. He scared Kat so much that we dug her claws into my leg. "Ow- ow- ow- ow- ow-" I repeated many times as I pried her claws away from me.

"Oop- sorry." Tommy said. "What do you want Tommy?" I asked. "I'm leaving now and you're coming with me." He said. "Do I have to?" "Yes, you do."

He grabbed my hand and pulled me up, making Kat jump out of my lap into the floor.

"We're leaving, dad!" Tommy yelled. "Be back before dinner!" Phil yelled back.

Tommy dragged me outside and Kat ran through the door, her tail nearly getting chopped off.

"Careful! You almost broke her tail in the door!" I gasped, scooping Kat up in my arm. "Oh- sorry, didn't know she was coming."

Tommy hopped off of the porch and down the street and I follow a foot or two behind him.

"So, who are we doing to see?" I asked. "My mate Tubbo. He lives on the far side of town. I don't see him too often because of his dad, but we call a lot." Tommy replied. "Because of his dad?" I questioned. "Eh, his dads a bit of a dick. Doesn't let him leave the house much." I nodded.

We walked for a while until we came upon a street with just a few small homes.

"Stay here, I'll go get him." Tommy said, jogging up to a nearby porch. He knocked on the door and waited a bit before a tall man opened the door. He had brown hair and a messy suit and he looked like he had been drinking.

Tommy spoke to the man for a moment and I could see the guy roll his eyes from all the way where I stood. He turned into the house and yelled, "Kid, Tom is here for you!"

A bit later, a very short brown haired boy wearing a green shirt and blue jeans came out of the house and the door slammed shut behind him. Even I flinched at the noise from all the way over here.

He looked...familiar.

Tommy and the boy came over.

"This is Tubbo/Toby." Tommy said. I slightly waved. Tubbo? That's what I sometimes called my old friend from the war as a nickname. "Tubbo nor Toby are my real names, but I don't go by my name in this life." The boy said. "This...life?" I questioned. He nodded.

"Tubbo says that he's already lived a life before and that he's been reincarnated. I mean, I believe it. I don't have a reason not to." Tommy shrugged. I nodded.

"So, Toby was your name in your...past life?" I asked. He nodded.

There's no way. Right? It's not actually him.

"And what's your name?" Tubbo asked. "Uh, Ranboo." I said.

His face changed.

"I had a friend named Ranboo in my past life. That's strange, Ranboo is a very rare name. Cool that you have it too!" He smiled. I nodded silently.

He then spotted Kat.

"Aw, I love your kitty! What's their name?" He asked, reaching up and scratching Kat's head. "Her name is, uh Kat. With a K." I said. He nodded. "She's cute." "Thanks."

After some time, we headed back towards town, talking about random things. The whole time I was wondering if this could actually be my Toby. My war buddy. The last person who ever spoke to me.

"So- So what did you do in your past life?" I asked. "I was uhm...in the civil war." He said. No fucking way. "What side?" "Uh, I dunno. I was young and didn't even wanna be there. I was fighting against slavery though." He said.

It's him. It's him, I know it. He looks very similar to how he did in his pass life. Both short with brown hair. They even sound somewhat similar.

"You said you had a friend with my name. What were they like?" I asked. "He was actually a lot like you, funnily. About the same height too." He thought for a moment before he stopped walking, making Tommy and I stop too.

Tubbo looked up at me for a moment.



"Can you...take off your mask?" He asked. I bit my inner cheek. "He hasn't took that thing off once since I met him. None of us know what they look like." Tommy said. "Well...can you take it off now?"

I exhale, hesitantly sliding off my mask.

Tommy gasped.

"Damn, Ranboo! You are one handsome fella'!" He said. I rolled my eyes.

I looked over at Tubbo, seeing his teary eyes just before he ran into me in a hug.

"How? This- This doesn't make sense! How are you here? There's now way we both got reincarnated, right?" He asked. Tommy looked confused. "Heh?" He blinked.

I slowly hugged Tubbo back, trying not to cry myself, as every time I touch water, it burns me.

"Wait- what's happening? I'm confused." Tommy said. Tubbo didn't say anything. He just held me tightly around my waist.

I sighed.

"Follow me, I'll explain everything."

Words: 1,170

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