Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Help Arrives

When help arrived from Stillwater Prison, men swarmed the area on the river road. The butchers rigged up ropes to descend into the coal-black ravine. They strapped knives and burlap bags for the meat on their backs. The roaring fire helped the men when they reached the ground to locate the team of horses. The skilled butchers sliced large chunks of horse flesh and threw the meat in the bags for transport back to the prison.

The guards from Stillwater lowered a sled and then used the ropes to climb down the rocks into the ravine. Eddie was the first one loaded onto the sled. He was unconscious as they secured him onto the sled with ropes.

"Careful men," shouted Officer Craig, feeling helpless as he watched the men pull the sled ropes.

Once Eddie reached the top, the men transferred him to a stretcher and carried him to the wagon that had positioned itself north to leave first. Next one to be loaded on the sled was Clint, who was so happy to see the men. One guard handed him a flask, and he tipped it until he coughed, spitting out the whiskey. As Clint laid on the sled, the medics positioned his leg.

"Looks like you had some fancy field dressing. Nice work men," said the medic as he inspected the bandaged wound and splints. "You may have saved his leg."

Dauber and Nunez mumbled a thank you and helped carry the sled over to the ropes. When Clint reached the top, the awaiting guards carried him to the wagon bed and Officer Craig gave the signal to the driver to take these two patients to the prison for medical attention.

The last sled ride was for the guard who died in the accident. The sound of silence echoed through the ravine as the guards loaded Buck onto the sled. They showed respect, using the blanket to cover his upper body and face. With solemnity, the Stillwater guards moved the body of their friend up the steep hillside to the river road.

Finally, the butchers from the kitchen hauled up bags of fresh horse meat, and Dauber and Nunez gathered their supplies. Nunez doused the fire, and the lawmen were the last to climb out of the ravine.

The butchers were eager to leave. They saw the size of the timber wolf hides, the men from Redwood rolled up to carry on their backs. When the meat wagon left the accident scene, the rest of the men mounted their horses and followed the last wagon north to Stillwater Prison.

* * *

The caravan arrived at the Stillwater Prison well past midnight. Dauber and Nunez followed them to the large barn to take care of their horses. After seeing to the animals, Nunez and Dauber found the guard's mess hall for a hot meal. The cook served vegetable stew and bread, along with plenty of coffee. While trying to eat their fill, the guards asked questions. Between bites, the officers from Redwood answered their questions. When they finished their third bowl, Officer Craig stepped into the hall and shouted to the men.

"Warden wants to see us."

Dauber, Nunez, and Hopkins jumped from the table and followed Officer Craig. They walked for a distance, taking twists and turns until they saw the large brick building that held the warden's office. The guard at the front desk ushered them into the warden's office, and the four men faced a big burly man in a suit. He stood and wiped his hand over his large moustache and beard. Then he pounded both hands on his desk as he shouted.

"Do you want to explain what the hell happened? I am down three men, a jailer's wagon, a team of horses and five escaped prisoners."

Officer Craig stepped forward with his hat in his hand.

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