Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

The Wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Renshaw

At one-thirty on Saturday afternoon, Maggie and Alice walked down the wooden staircase in all their finery. Maggie wore a dark-green satin dress with her hair in curls. She rushed to the side of her boyfriend in the dining room, who was waiting to meet with Victoria. Maggie greeted him with a smile, and it surprised Alice her friend was taller than her boyfriend.

When Alice looked around at the people gathered in the lobby, she almost didn't recognize Mr. Sanderson. Yesterday, he had worn a tweed suit and vest with a bowler hat. Today, he was wearing a black suit with a red string tie and a gray and red pinstripe vest under his jacket. He was holding a black cowboy hat with a smile on his face.

"Hello. You look very nice this afternoon, Alice. Are you ready to go?" said Dwight as he offered his arm to her.

"You look handsome in that suit," said Alice, and then she realized what was different about him. "I like your haircut. It makes you look younger."

"Thank you."

He blushed at the compliment, bringing an enormous smile to his face. The barber had shaped his hair to angle over his ears, and he had trimmed his dark brown hair from his shoulder to a collar length. He was clean-shaven and smelled good. With pride, Alice took his arm, and the two of them walked out of the hotel into the sunshine of a beautiful, warm spring day.

"Judge Olson has offered to share his carriage with us. Also, I want you to meet Mrs. Cooper."

Dwight felt Alice's arm tense as they walked toward the Judge's carriage across the street.

"Sadie, I would like you to meet Alice Turner. Alice, this is Sadie Cooper."

"Nice to meet you, Ma'am," said Alice as she stared at the beautiful red-headed woman in the royal blue satin gown.

"It is my pleasure to meet you. Judge Olson told me you were with Cooper when he died."

"Yes, Ma'am. I was."

"Did he hurt you?"

"No Ma'am. Only once when I tried to stop him from going to Redwood, he slapped me."

She felt Dwight tense at her side, knowing how he felt about hurting women.

"Sounds like Cooper. Count your lucky stars, you weren't hurt worse."

"Well Ladies, there will be time enough to talk after the wedding. Let's not be late. I hate walking down the aisle ahead of the bride."

Everyone laughed at the Judge's comments, and Dwight helped Alice into the large black buggy. They rode down to the end of Main Street and crossed into the schoolyard where people had gathered. The judge drove up to the door, and the men helped the ladies descend from the carriage. Then Mr. Sanderson offered to park the buggy.

Alice looked at all the hats the women wore, and she was so glad that Hannah had thought of her. She felt fashionable yet duly impressed, realizing Anna had made most of the hats the women wore today. As they waited, Sadie turned toward Alice to speak to her.

"Mr. Smith, the undertaker, is eager to bury Cooper since it has been three days since he died. I am going to ask Pastor Swenson to say a few words tomorrow after church. You are welcome to join the Judge and I; if you don't want to attend, I would understand."

Alice looked over to Dwight, who was walking towards them, not knowing what her plans were for tomorrow.

"I understand if you have plans for Sunday."

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